ADI公司的ADP1032是高性能双路隔离微功耗管理单元(PMU),组合了隔离的反激和DC/DC稳压器,提供两个隔离的电源轨.此外,ADP1032还包含四个高速串行外设接口(SPI)隔离通路和三个通用隔离器,用于需要低功耗和小型解决方案尺寸的通路到通路的应用.输入工作电压从4.5 V 到60 V,隔离的输出电压VOUT1从6V到28V(可调整型)或24V(固定型),而VOUT2工厂可编程输出电压为5.15V,5.0V或3.3V.ADP1032反激稳压器的开关频率为250kHz,降压稳压器工作在125kHz.两个稳压器相互间是移相的,以降低电磁干扰(EMI).ADP1032能由外接的350 kHz到750 kHz振荡器驱动,以简化敏感应用时的噪声过滤威廉希尔官方网站
.器件工作温度−40℃到+125℃,9 mm×7 mm, 41引脚LFCSP封装.主要用在工业自动化和过程控制,仪器和数据采集系统,数据和电源隔离等.中电网为您整理如下详细资料,本文介绍了ADP1032主要特性,框图,典型应用威廉希尔官方网站
The ADP1032 is a high performance, isolated micropower management unit (PMU) that combines an isolated flyback and a dc-to-dc regulator providing two isolated power rails. Additionally, the ADP1032 contains four high speed serial peripheral interface (SPI) isolation channels and three general-purpose isolators for channel to channel applications where low power dissipation and small solution size is required. Operating over an input voltage range of 4.5 V to 60 V, the ADP1032 generates isolated output voltages of 6 V to 28 V (adjustable version) or 24 V (fixed version) for VOUT1, and factory programmable voltages of 5.15 V, 5.0 V, or 3.3 V for VOUT2. By default, the ADP1032 flyback regulator operates at a 250 kHz switching frequency, and the buck regulator operates at 125 kHz.
The two regulators are phase shifted relative to each other to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI). The ADP1032 can be driven by an external oscillator in the range of 350 kHz to 750 kHz to ease noise filtering in sensitive applications. The digital isolators integrated in the ADP1032 use Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler® chip scale transformer technology, optimized for low power and low radiated emissions. The ADP1032 is available in a 9 mm × 7 mm, 41-lead LFCSP and is rated for a −40℃ to +125℃ operating junction temperature range.
Wide input supply voltage range: 4.5 V to 60 V
Integrated flyback power switch
Generates two isolated, well regulated independent outputs
VOUT1: 24 V or 6 V to 28 V
VOUT2: 3.3 V, 5.0 V, or 5.15 V
Uses a 1:1 ratio transformer for simplified transformer design
Peak current limiting and OVP for flyback and buck regulators
Precision enable input and power-good output
Adjustable switching frequency via SYNC input
Internal compensation and soft start control per regulator
High speed, low propagation delay, SPI signal isolation channels
Three 100 kbps general-purpose isolated data channels
lead, 9 mm × 7 mm LFCSP form factor enables small overall solution size
−0°C to +125°C operating junction temperature range
Safety and regulatory approvals (pending)
CISPR11 Class B radiated emission UL recognition: 2500 V rms for 1 minute duration per UL 1577 CSA Component Acceptance Notice 5A
300 V rms basic insulation between slave, master, and field power domains (IEC 61010-1, pending) VDE certificate of conformity
DIN V VDE 0884-10 (VDE 0884-10):2006-12
Industrial automation and process control
Instrumentation and data acquisition systems
Data and power isolation
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