The CDP1857C is a 4-bit CMOS non-inverting bus separator designed for use in CDP1800-series microprocessor systems. It can be controlled directly by a 1800-series microprocessor without the use of additional components. The CDP1857 is designed for use as a bus buffer or separator between the 1800-series microprocessor data bus and I/O devices. It provides a chip-select (CS) input signal which, when high (1), enables the bus-separator three-state output drivers. The direction of data flow, when enabled, is controlled by the MRD input signal. In the CDP1857, when MRD = 1, it enables the three-state bus drivers (DB0-DB3) and transfers data from the DATA-IN lines onto the data bus. When MRD = 0, it disables the three-state bus drivers (DB0-DB3) and enables the three-state data output drivers (DO0- DO3), thus, transferring data from the data bus to the DATA-OUT terminals.