The AX88196 Fast Ethernet Controller is a high performance and highly integrated local CPU bus Ethernet Controller with embedded 8K*16 bit SRAM. The AX88196 supports both 8 bit and 16 bit local CPU interfaces include MCS-51 series, 80186 series, MC68K series CPU and ISA bus. The AX88196 implements both 10Mbps and 100Mbps Ethernet function based on IEEE802.3 / IEEE802.3u LAN standard and supports both 10Mbps/100Mbps media-independent interface (MII) and legacy pure 10Mbps SNI interface to simplify the design. Using Serial Network Interface (SNI) transceiver, Home LAN PHY or 10BASE-2 BNC type media can be supported. As well as, the chip also provides Standard Print Port (parallel port interface), can be used for printer server device or treat as simple general I/O port.