污水处理过程固有的非线性、时变性特征对传感器的可靠性、适应性提出了很高的要求。污水处理过程涉及多种传感器,多数传感器是污水处理过程所特有的,分别为人们提供所监视的某一个或多个特定变量的状态信息。传感器可以用于污水处理系统的监视、自动控制或模型校准。 关键词污水处理仪器仪表传感器测量监视 Abstract The reliability and adaptability are highly requested for transducers used for sewage treatment process because of its non-linear and time varying characteristics. Various transducers are involved in sewage treatment process while most of the transducers are unique to this process These transducers offer dedicated state information of one or more variables. They can be used in monitoring,automatic control or model calibration of sewage treatment systems. Keywords Sewage treatment Instrumentation Transducer Measurement Monitoring