Details on Individual Family Members Devices in the PIC18F2X1X/4X1X family are available in 28-pin and 40/44-pin packages. Block diagrams for the two groups are shown in Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2. The devices are differentiated from each other in five ways: 1. Flash program memory • 16 Kbytes for PIC18F2410/4410 devices • 32 Kbytes for PIC18F2510/4510 devices • 48 Kbytes for PIC18F2515/4515 devices • 64 Kbytes for PIC18F2610/4610 devices 2. A/D channels (10 for 28-pin devices, 13 for 40/44-pin devices). 3. I/O ports (3 bidirectional ports on 28-pin devices, 5 bidirectional ports on 40/44-pin devices). 4. CCP and Enhanced CCP implementation (28-pin devices have 2 standard CCP modules; 40/44-pin devices have one standard CCP module and one ECCP module). 5. Parallel Slave Port (present only on 40/44-pin devices).