APEC的产品是车电保全最佳IGBT、Power MOSFET解决方案:
新唐科技推出以 ARM® Cortex™-M0 为核心的 32 位元微控制器— NuMicro® 家族:
新唐科技宣布推出以 ARM® Cortex™-M0 为核心的 32 位元微控制器— NuMicro® 家族,相容于
8051。 NuMicro® 家族采用 ARM 公司最新发布的最小型、最低功耗、低闸数、精简程式码特性的
Cortex™-M0 处理器,内建各种类比与混合讯号元件,及多种高速通讯能力器件,使客户极易从 8051
升级至 NuMicro® 家族。 NuMicro® 家族也延续 8 位元微控制器宽电压输入、高抗干扰、高抗杂
2、Chip Inductor:0805、0603、0402等全系列Chip Inductor
SAMWHA 推出 SMD 铝质电解电容全系列SMD产品之最佳解决方案:
SiTime 推出 Oscillator全系列SMD产品之最佳解决方案:
不是 crystal or capacitors required的Oscillator。
SiTime Oscillator全系列产品是硅晶MEMS技术设计,正在脱颖而出取代传统的石英晶体设计,除了创新硅晶MEMS谐振器技术之外,硅晶MEMS振荡器内部设计亦不断提升,利用硅晶MEMS谐振器达到输出频率的变化效能,采用Sigma-Delta Fran-N PLL锁相环作为倍频威廉希尔官方网站
系列产品:频率有从 200KHz ~ 1000KHz、1MHz ~ 100MHz、1MHz ~ 200MHz。
频率误差:±10 ppm、±15 ppm、±20 ppm、
±25 ppm、±50 ppm、±100 ppm
Viking 推出芯片电阻以 SWR & AS Series产品应用于车用电子产品:
Surge Withstanding Chip Resistor-SWR Series
Anti-Sulfurated Thick Film Chip Resistor-AS Series
Winbond (华邦电子)提供最佳之 Memory解决方案:
Winbond's W25X and W25Q SpiFlash® Memories feature the popular Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), densities from 1M to 128M-bit, small erasable sectors and the industry's highest performance. The W25X family operates up to104MHz and supports "Dual-Output SPI", effectively doubling the clock rate to 208MHz. The W25Q family is "superset"
compatible with W25X devices while adding Dual-I/O and Quad-I/O SPI for even higher performance.
Clock rates up to 104MHz achieve an equivalent of 416MHz (50M-Byte/S transfer rate) when using Quad-SPI. This is more thaneight times the performance of ordinary Serial Flash (50MHz) and even surpasses asynchronous Parallel Flash memories
while using fewer pins and less space. Faster transfer rates mean controllers can execute code (XIP) directly from
the SPI interface or further improve boot time when shadowing code to RAM
W25X SpiFlash Family
- 1M to 64M-bit, superset compatible with 25P
- Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), Dual Output SPI
- Uniform 4KB & 64KB erase
- Space saving packages (SOIC, WSON, DIP, KGD)
W25Q SpiFlash Family
- 4M to 128M-bit, superset compatible with 25X
- SPI, Dual SPI and Quad SPI
- Uniform 4KB, 32KB & 64KB erase
- Erase and Program* Suspend/Resume
- Quad Page Program
- Security: Lock-down, ID#, OTP Registers*
- Compatible read-only SpiROM™ Device
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