音频采集的硬件威廉希尔官方网站 比较简单,主要的器件就是麦克风和LM358运放。
图中威廉希尔官方网站 R5可调电阻的作用是来调节运放的增益。R4的作用的是给运放一个VDD*R4/(R3+R4) 的直流偏置,这里加直流偏置是由于ADC只能采集正电压值,为了不丢失负电压的音频信号,给信号整体加了一个直流偏置。
下图是按照上图搭建的音频采集威廉希尔官方网站 的输出信号,图中波动信号是施加的外部音频,是我们需要做音乐频谱显示需要的信号。该信号有一个2.3v的直流偏置,在后续处理时需要减去这个偏置。
CTimer+ADC+DMA 音频信号采集
LPC845的ADC有8个触发源,我们使用CTiimer match3来触发ADC,将寄存器SEQA_CTRL的bit 14:12设置为0x5。CTimer match 3的输出频率为10kHz。
//Calculate the FFT input buffer if(g_DmaTransferDoneFlag_A == true) { for (i=0; i<128; i++) { Samples[i] =(int16_t)(((g_AdcConvResult_A[i] & 0xfff0) >> 4) - 2979);//substract the 2.3v offset in the Amplifier output } g_DmaTransferDoneFlag_A = false; } else if(g_DmaTransferDoneFlag_B == true) { for (i=0; i<128; i++) { Samples[i] =(int16_t)(((g_AdcConvResult_B[i] & 0xfff0) >> 4) - 2979);//substract the 2.3v offset in the Amplifier output } g_DmaTransferDoneFlag_B = false; }
//If 'Window' isn't rectangular, apply window if(Window == Triangular){ //Apply a triangular window to the data. for(Cnt = 0; Cnt>L2Len; else Samples[Cnt] = ((int32_t)Samples[Cnt]*((Len/2)-Cnt))>>L2Len; } } else if(Window == Hann){ //Use the cosine window wavetable to apply a Hann windowing function to the samples for(Cnt = 0; Cnt >L2Len; Samples[Cnt] = ((int32_t)Samples[Cnt]*(int32_t)CosWindow[Index])>>(CWBD); } }
我在网上找了好多FFT算法的资料,大家在做频谱显示时,用到最多的就是CMSIS DSP的算法库。于是乎,采用CMSIS DSP的库貌似是首选。
但是不用不知道,一用才发现,由于CMSIS DSP的库使用的是查表的方式,我的64K Flash的LPC845轻轻松松就被撑爆了。没办法,只能改用其他方案。经过不懈的查阅资料,在GitHub找到一份FFT算法的代码,这个代码写的非常简洁,而且用起来很好用,感谢发布者pyrohaz,下面是FFT代码的一部分。
/* FIX_MPY() - fixed-point multiplication & scaling. Substitute inline assembly for hardware-specific optimization suited to a particluar DSP processor. Scaling ensures that result remains 16-bit. */ inline short FIX_MPY(short a, short b) { /* shift right one less bit (i.e. 15-1) */ int c = ((int)a * (int)b) >> 14; /* last bit shifted out = rounding-bit */ b = c & 0x01; /* last shift + rounding bit */ a = (c >> 1) + b; return a; }
fix_fft(short fr[], short fi[], short m, short inverse)函数,FFT计算函数
int fix_fft(short fr[], short fi[], short m, short inverse) { int mr, nn, i, j, l, k, istep, n, scale, shift; short qr, qi, tr, ti, wr, wi; n = 1 << m; /* max FFT size = N_WAVE */ if (n > N_WAVE) return -1; mr = 0; nn = n - 1; scale = 0; /* decimation in time - re-order data */ for (m=1; m<=nn; ++m) { l = n; do { l >>= 1; } while (mr+l > nn); mr = (mr & (l-1)) + l; if (mr <= m) continue; tr = fr[m]; fr[m] = fr[mr]; fr[mr] = tr; ti = fi[m]; fi[m] = fi[mr]; fi[mr] = ti; }
接 fix_fft(short fr[], short fi[], short m, short inverse)函数
l = 1; k = LOG2_N_WAVE-1; while (l < n) { if (inverse) { /* variable scaling, depending upon data */ shift = 0; for (i=0; i16383 || m > 16383) { shift = 1; break; } } if (shift) ++scale; } else { /* fixed scaling, for proper normalization -- there will be log2(n) passes, so this results in an overall factor of 1/n, distributed to maximize arithmetic accuracy. */ shift = 1; }
接fix_fftr(short f[], int m, int inverse)函数
/* it may not be obvious, but the shift will be performed on each data point exactly once, during this pass. */ istep = l << 1; for (m=0; m>= 1; wi >>= 1; } for (i=m; i >= 1; qi >>= 1; } fr[j] = qr - tr; fi[j] = qi - ti; fr[i] = qr + tr; fi[i] = qi + ti; } } --k; l = istep; } return scale; }
/* fix_fftr() - forward/inverse FFT on array of real numbers. Real FFT/iFFT using half-size complex FFT by distributing even/odd samples into real/imaginary arrays respectively. In order to save data space (i.e. to avoid two arrays, one for real, one for imaginary samples), we proceed in the following two steps: a) samples are rearranged in the real array so that all even samples are in places 0-(N/2-1) and all imaginary samples in places (N/2)-(N-1), and b) fix_fft is called with fr and fi pointing to index 0 and index N/2 respectively in the original array. The above guarantees that fix_fft "sees" consecutive real samples as alternating real and imaginary samples in the complex array. */ int fix_fftr(short f[], int m, int inverse) { int i, N = 1<<(m-1), scale = 0; short tt, *fr=f, *fi=&f[N]; if (inverse) scale = fix_fft(fi, fr, m-1, inverse); for (i=1; i
int fix_fft(short fr[], short fi[], short m, short inverse) 是FFT算法的计算函数,fr[]是ADC采集到信号值的实部,fi[]是ADC采集到信号值的虚部。经过fix_fft函数处理之后,fr[]是FFT计算所得实部,fi[]是计算所得的虚部。
//Calculate the magnitude for(Cnt = 0; Cnt>ColumnFilter; //calculate the DB } else{ Col[Index] += (BufSum-Col[Index])>>ColumnFilter; //calculate the amplitude } //Limit maximum column value if(Col[Index] >= YPix-9) Col[Index] = YPix-10; IndO = Index; BufSum = 0; } }
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