什么是UVM environment?
UVM environment包含多个可重用的验证组件,并根据test case的需求进行相应的配置。例如,UVM environment可能具有多个agent(对应不同的interface)、scoreboard、functional coverage collector和一些checker。
对于一个复杂的数字系统,UVM environment可能还集成其他一些较小的UVM environment,这些相对较小的验证环境用于对各个子系统/模块进行验证。所以,被集成的子模块/系统验证环境中的很多组件和sequence都是可以复用的。
为什么验证组件不直接放在test case中?
class base_test extends uvm_test;
apb_agent m_apb_agent;
spi_agent m_spi_agent;
base_scoreboard m_base_scbd;
virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
// Instantiate agents and scoreboard
但是,不建议这样做:test case不能够复用,因为它们依赖于特定的验证环境,针对每个testcase都开发一个uvm environment比较低效。 简单来说,uvm environment存在的意义就是不同的testcase都使用同一套验证环境代码 ,是为了验证环境的复用性考虑的。
因此,始终建议开发一个比较通用的,适用所有test case的验证环境, 然后在多个test case中实例化该验证环境类uvm environment。此外,不同的testcase可以配置、启动、禁用验证环境中的各种配置,可能是激励的随机机制、agent的active/passive模式,也可能是scoreboard的开关。
创建 UVM environment的步骤
// my_env is user-given name for this class that has been derived from "uvm_env"
class my_env extends uvm_env;
// [Recommended] Makes this driver more re-usable
`uvm_component_utils (my_env)
// This is standard code for all components
function new (string name = "my_env", uvm_component parent = null);
super.new (name, parent);
// Code for rest of the steps come here
// apb_agnt and other components are assumed to be user-defined classes that already exist in TBapb_agnt m_apb_agnt;
func_cov m_func_cov;
scbd m_scbd;
env_cfg m_env_cfg;
// Build components within the "build_phase"
virtual function void build_phase (uvm_phase phase);
super.build_phase (phase);
m_apb_agnt = apb_agnt::type_id::create ("m_apb_agnt", this);
m_func_cov = func_cov::type_id::create ("m_func_cov", this);
m_scbd = scbd::type_id::create ("m_scbd", this);
// [Optional] Collect configuration objects from the test class if applicable
if (uvm_config_db #(env_cfg)::get(this, "", "env_cfg", m_env_cfg))
`uvm_fatal ("build_phase", "Did not get a configuration object for env")
// [Optional] Pass other configuration objects to sub-components via uvm_config_db
virtual function void connect_phase (uvm_phase phase); // A few examples:
// Connect analysis ports from agent to the scoreboard
// Connect functional coverage component analysis ports
// ...
UVM Environment 示例(对应上面提到的的验证环境图)
class my_top_env extends uvm_env;
`uvm_component_utils (my_env)
agent_apb m_apb_agt;
agent_wishbone m_wb_agt;
env_register m_reg_env;
env_analog m_analog_env [2];
scoreboard m_scbd;
function new (string name = "my_env", uvm_component parent);
super.new (name, parent);
virtual function void build_phase (uvm_phase phase);
super.build_phase (phase);
// Instantiate different agents and environments here
m_apb_agt = agent_apb::type_id::create ("m_apb_agt", this);
m_wb_agt = agent_wishbone::type_id::create ("m_wb_agt", this);
m_reg_env = env_register::type_id::create ("m_reg_env", this);
foreach (m_analog_env[i])
m_analog_env[i] = env_analog::type_id::create ($sformatf("m_analog_env%0d",m_analog_env[i]), this);
m_scbd = scoreboard::type_id::create ("m_scbd", this);
virtual function void connect_phase (uvm_phase phase);
// Connect between different environments, agents, analysis ports, and scoreboard here
其中env_analog或env_register中也可以有一些agent和scoreboard。 可以看到UVM在可重用性方面很强大,主要取决于这种分层结构和TLM连接。 也正是因为这种复用,可以分别独立验证env_analog和env_register,而在更加上层的验证环境my_top_env中,可能只需要关注子系统之间的交互。
快来发表一下你的评论吧 !