爱美雅公司推出的小型 65W 氮化镓 2C1A 多口充电头,采用茂睿芯成熟稳定的 IC 芯片及第三代半导体制造商-润新微 GaN-MOS,充电器具备 2C1A 三个输出接口,两个 USB-C 口均支持 65W 输出功率,快充协议支持广泛,对手机和笔记本充电的兼容性极佳。快充外壳采用白色 PC 材质外壳,搭配折叠插脚,便于携带。充电器中耗尽型氮化镓功率器件的应用,使用常规控制器即可,大大简化了驱动威廉希尔官方网站 设计,满足了二次降压多口输出的充电器需求。爱美雅推出的 65W 氮化镓快充,提供了周全的解决方案,为快充头用户带来了新的选择。
1,AMY65W2C1AM 产品外观如下:
2,尺寸示意图 :
Fig5~6:产品三维尺寸图 (±1.5mm)
2.1 PCBA 板子尺寸与包装箱尺寸:
Fig7~8:PCBA 三维尺寸图 (±1.5mm) Fig9:包装箱三维尺寸图 (±20mm)
3,AMY65W2C1AM 详细资料见下表:
4.1.Test condition:
Input voltage:90Vac/264Vac
Input frequency:47Hz/63Hz
Ambient temperature:Rated temperature→OTP
Output Load:Full Load
(During testing, the UUT needs to be wrapped by a blanket tightly and evenly.)
4.2 测试详情见下表:
4.3 测试设备照片如下:
Precautions for use of charger
5.1 充电时不要在充电头和被充电设备上覆盖毛绒/被褥物品及其他可燃物,避免置于上述物品之上进行充电;
5.1 during charging, do not cover the charging head and the charged equipment with plush / bedding articles and other
combustibles, and avoid charging on the above articles;
5.2 充电时请避免在任何发热体或热源附近,不要在太阳直射暴晒情况下进行充电;
5.2 please avoid charging near any heat generating body or heat source, and do not charge in direct sunlight;
5.3 避免边打电话边充电的情况发生;
5.3 avoid making phone calls during charging;
5.4 充电时请先检查线材是否有裂开、水渍、短路等异常现象,以免损坏充电头;
5.4 when charging, please check whether the wire is cracked, water stain, short circuit and other abnormal phenomena
to avoid damaging the charging head;
5.5 充电结束后请及时从手机上拔掉充电线
5.5 after charging, please unplug the charging cable from the mobile phone in time
5.6 请使用合格的充电线缆
5.6 Please use qualified charging cable
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