本应用笔记介绍了利用DS31256的接收BERT (误码率测试)功能实现分数级T1 (FT1)上环回或下环回检测(V.54)的方法,并给出了示例代码。
这篇应用笔记介绍了利用DS31256的接收BERT功能实现分数级T1 (FT1)上环回或下环回检测(V.54)的方法,详细说明请参考分数级T1.403附录B规范。所提供的算法和示例代码简化了DS31256最终用户的设计。
图1. FT1 (上环回与下环回)检测流程
图2. FT1 (上环回与下环回)检测流程(续)
addr = DS31256寄存器相对于芯片基地址的偏移量
data = 需要写入寄存器的数据
addr = DS31256寄存器相对于芯片基地址的偏移量
addr = 要写入数据的间接寻址寄存器
data = 写入指定的间接寻址寄存器的数据
addr = DS31256寄存器相对于芯片基地址的偏移量
i = 索引
void FT1Test()
int status = 0;
FT1Setting(0, 0); -- Configure the device for BERT
status = sync_loop(1, 300, 5000); -- FT1 loop-up test
if(status == 1) -- Return status is synced
status = sync_loop(3, 300, 5000); -- FT1 all ones test
if(status == 1)
loopbackSetup(1); -- Place channelized in network loopback
status = sync_loop(2, 300, 5000); -- FT1 loop-down test
if(status == 1)
status = sync_loop(3, 300, 5000); -- FT1 all ones test
if(status == 1)
loopbackSetup(0); -- Take out from channelized loopback
checkstatus(3); -- Print out test status
checkstatus(2); -- Print out test status
checkstatus(3); -- Print out test status
checkstatus(1); -- Print out test status
void checkstatus(int type)
case 1: printf("Loopup pattern not found");
case 2: printf("Loopdown pattern not found");
case 3: printf("All 1's pattern not found");
void FT1Setting(int dev, int port)
int mc = 0; -- Variables to be used
int ds0 = 0;
int rcfg = 0;
mc = read_reg (0x10); -- Read Master Control(MC) 0x00 register
mc = mc & 0xf07f; -- Mask out the read-back value from MC
write_reg (0x10, mc); -- Assign the BERT to port 0 (MC.BPS4-0)
write_reg(0x0304, 0x4000); -- Configure port 0 in receive port
for(ds0 = 0; ds0 < 128; ds0 = ds0 + 1) -- Configure register
{ --Assign timeslot R[0]CFG[ds0].RBERT bit
write_ind_reg(0x0300, 0x0100 + ds0); -- Assign all 128 ds0’s to RBERT
printf("FT1 configuration completed.");
int sync_loop(int pattern, int sync_cnt, int timeout)
int timeCnt = 0; -- Variables will be used
int cnt = 0;
int status = 0;
int temp = 0;
int sync = 0;
int bertc0 = 0;
int bertec0 = 0;
BertSetup(pattern); -- Set up the BERT
bertc0 = read_reg (0x500); -- Toggle RESYNC
bertc0 = bertc0 | 0x0001; -- Mask the read BERTC0 value
write_reg (0x500, bertc0); -- Write a 1 into BERTC0.RESYNC
bertc0 = bertc0 & 0xfffe; -- Mask out read-back value
write_reg (0x500, bertc0); -- Write 0 into BERTC0.RESYNC
bertc0 = read_reg (0x500); -- Read BERTC0
bertec0 = read_reg (0x518); -- Read BERTEC0
sync = ((bertec0 & 0x0001) == 0x0001);
timeCnt = timeCnt + 1;
void BertSetup(int pattern)
switch (pattern)
case 1:
write_reg (0x500, 0x0 & 0x003c); -- Disable BERTC0.RINV
break; -- Set 2E7-1 pattern
case 2:
write_reg (0x500, 0x0020 & 0x003c);--Enable BERTC0.RINV
break; -- Set 2E7-1 pattern
write_reg (0x508, 0xffff); -- Set BERT Repetitive Pattern Set
write_reg (0x50C, 0xffff); -- in BERTBRP0-1
write_reg (0x500, 0x0010 & 0x003c);-- Disable BERTC0.RINV
break; -- Set to repetitive pattern
void loopbackSetup(int val)
int a = 0;
int tmp = 0;
tmp = val< < 11;
write_reg(0x0304, tmp); -- Set port and channel 0
for (a = 0; a < 128; a++) -- Set T[0]CFG[a].CNLB to place channel in
{ -- loopback
write_ind_reg(0x0300, 0x0200 + a);
if(val ==1)
write_reg(0x0200, 0x0008); -- Enable TP[0]CR.TFDA1 to allow data to
printf("Loopup detected"); -- be transmitted normally
printf("Channel placed in loopback");
write_reg(0x0200, 0x0000); -- Disable TP[0]CR.TFDA1 bit
printf("Loopdown detected");
printf("Channel taken out from loopback");
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