在本系列的上一篇教程中,我们介绍了最近发布的NanoBeacon BLE扫描器移动应用程序,包括移动应用程序的概述、从哪里安装、如何使用它从NanoBeacon 配置工具桌面应用程序导入IN100配置等。
In this tutorial, we will cover the following:
A detailed look into device filters
Differences between the iOS and Android versions of the app
Let’s get started!
Device Filters 设备过滤器
Here’s a look at the various filters available within the app for filtering for specific devices:
To recap, the available filters are:
Name: this allows you to filter by device name.
Advanced: allows you to filter by raw data included in the advertising data, company name, etc.
On Android, filtering by Bluetooth Address is possible (iOS does not expose the device’s Bluetooth address).
Minimum RSSI: this allows you to filter out devices that are discovered with an RSSI lower than the set value.
Hide unnamed devices: this allows you to hide devices that do not advertise a device name.
Only show project configuration matches: this allows you to show only devices that match the imported IN100 configuration (via scanning the QR code from the NanoBeacon Config Tool app).
Sort by RSSI: this allows you to sort the list of devices by detected RSSI (starting with the device with the strongest signal).
按RSSI排序: 这允许你按检测到的RSSI对设备列表进行排序(从信号最强的设备开始)。
Type: allows you to show any combination of iBeacon, Eddystone UID, and Eddystone TLM advertising devices (while excluding other non-selected devices), as shown below:
类型:允许你显示iBeacon、Eddystone UID和Eddystone TLM广播设备的任何组合(同时排除其他未选择的设备),如下所示:
Let’s dig into each of these in more detail.
Device Name and Unnamed Devices
When scanning for advertising BLE devices, you will typically see dozens of devices being discovered. This can make it challenging to find the device of interest. To address this (and if you know the device name), you can type in a portion of the device name (case-sensitive), and the scanner will only display the devices that match the entered device name.
For example, here I’ve set up an IN100 with one advertising set (custom data type), and I’ve set the device name to be “IN100”:
例如,在这里我设置了一个IN100的广播集(自定义数据类型),我将设备名称设置为 "IN100":
In the scanner view, the device will show up but among tens of other devices, making it challenging to find. Let’s add a device name filter to make it easier to find:
Once we enter the device name filter, we can click to the filter icon to go back to the scanner view. In the scanner view, we should be able to see the device now without all the other devices:
This also works by entering partial strings, for example “IN”.
这也可以通过输入部分字符串来实现,例如 "IN"。
Another useful filter is the “Hide unnamed devices” checkbox. Once that’s checked, the scanner will only display devices that have included a device name in the advertising data:
另一个有用的过滤器是 "隐藏未命名的设备 "复选框。一旦选中,扫描器将只显示在广播数据中包含设备名称的设备:
Sorting by RSSI and Min RSSI
Two other useful filters are the “Sort by RSSI” and “Minimum RSSI” filters.
另外两个有用的过滤器是 "按RSSI排序 "和 "最小RSSI "过滤器。
“Minimum RSSI” is helpful for filtering out devices that are too far and that typically add clutter to the scan results. For relatively nearby devices, we recommend discovering devices with an RSSI of -70 or greater. This will ensure you are only looking at devices that are in proximity to your smartphone.
"最小RSSI "有助于过滤掉太远的设备,这些设备通常会给扫描结果带来混乱。对于相对较近的设备,我们建议发现RSSI为-70或更高的设备。这将确保你只看到与你的智能手机相近的设备。
Once you’ve set the minimum RSSI, it is also helpful to utilize the “Sort by RSSI” filter, which allows you to see a sorted list of discovered devices starting with the highest RSSI.
一旦你设置了最低RSSI,利用 "按RSSI排序 "过滤器也是很有帮助的,它可以让你看到一个从最高RSSI开始的已发现设备的排序列表。
Here’s an example screenshot showing the results:
As you can see, the devices are sorted by RSSI in descending order.
Type Filter 类型过滤器
With the “Type” filter, you can ensure that only specific devices (iBeacon, Eddystone TLM, and Eddystone UID) are being listed in scanner view. You can select one or more of these types to show matching devices. The selected type is the only one that will be matched in the list. For example, selecting “Eddystone TLM” will only show Eddystone TLM advertising devices.
通过 "类型 "过滤器,你可以确保只有特定的设备(iBeacon、Eddystone TLM和Eddystone UID)被列在扫描仪视图中。你可以选择这些类型中的一个或多个来显示匹配的设备。所选的类型是列表中唯一会被匹配的类型。例如,选择 "Eddystone TLM "将只显示Eddystone TLM广播设备。
Note that all configured filters will be applied to the scan results. Also, there are certain restrictions on discovered iBeacon devices in the iOS version of the app. We’ll cover more on that in a later section within the tutorial.
“Only show project configuration matches” Filter
"仅显示项目配置匹配 "过滤器
The “Only show project configuration matches” filter is a unique feature of our NanoBeacon BLE Scanner mobile app. It allows you to only show devices that match the imported configuration from the NanoBeacon Config Tool.
"仅显示项目配置匹配 "过滤器是我们的NanoBeacon BLE扫描器移动应用程序的一个独特功能。它允许你只显示与从NanoBeacon配置工具导入的配置相匹配的设备。
This is a very powerful filter that will not only let you focus on analyzing your IN100 device’s advertising data but also view it in a human-readable format, which no other mobile app on the market can do!
We covered how to import configurations via the QR code scan functionality in the previous tutorial in this series.
After importing the configuration and selecting this filter, the scanner will only show your device:
And to make things even more user-friendly, you can navigate into each of the discovered advertising sets to view the detailed parsed advertising data:
Advanced Filters 高级过滤器
The last filter we want to cover is the “Advanced” entry field. This allows us to filter by:
我们要介绍的最后一个过滤器是 "高级 "条目栏。这使我们可以通过以下方式进行过滤:
Raw bytes in the advertising data (hex values)
Company ID (hex values)
公司ID (十六进制值)
Company Name (string values)
Device Name as well (string values)
Let’s take a look at an example of a discovered device and which parts can be matched using the Advanced Filter:
As you can see, there are various types of filters that can help you match only the devices you’re interested in discovering and having show up in the list.
Differences Between iOS and Android Versions of the App
There are quite a few differences between iOS and Android when it comes to UI, the functionality and APIs available to apps, BLE behavior, etc.
It’s essential to be aware of these differences not just as a developer but also as a user of our mobile app. This will help you better understand how things work on each platform and are aware of any differences in behavior between the two that could affect your development and testing activities when working with BLE devices, specifically our NanoBeacon IN100.
不仅仅是作为一个开发者,而且作为我们的移动应用的用户,意识到这些差异是非常重要的。这将有助于你更好地了解每个平台上的工作方式,并意识到两者之间的任何行为差异,这可能会影响你在使用BLE设备时的开发和测试活动,特别是我们的NanoBeacon IN100。
Here’s a summary of the differences between the two platforms as it pertains to Bluetooth Low Energy functionality and the functionality of our NanoBeacon BLE Scanner mobile app:
以下是两个平台之间的差异总结,它涉及到蓝牙低能量功能和我们的NanoBeacon BLE扫描器移动应用程序的功能:
Advertisement Data 广播数据
iOS does not give apps visibility of the Bluetooth address, so it’s not possible to search by or view the Bluetooth address of the discovered device(s).
iBeacons come through the Core Location framework on iOS and are reported once per second, so the adv interval cannot be estimated.
iOS does not provide access to the raw advertisement data, so user-defined data types are not supported.
On iOS, it’s not possible to scan for unspecified iBeacons, and they will not show up in scan results unless you have scanned in a configuration that contains an iBeacon. The app registers the iBeacon when you load the configuration.
iOS will report iBeacons RSSI as 0 if iOS cannot determine the iBeacons proximity based on the TX power included in the iBeacon payload. The algorithm used by iOS is not public.
iOS will continue to report an iBeacon for up to 30 seconds after it has been powered down (or goes out of range).
General Scanning 一般扫描
iOS will miss more advertisement packets than Android when using a larger advertisement interval (greater than 1000 ms).
Background Scanning 背景扫描
iOS does not allow continuous background scanning for advertisement data, with the exception of iBeacons.
Android will allow continuous background scanning for all BLE advertisements.
Notifications 通知
Android supports background notifications for all types of Triggered advertisements.
iOS only supports background notifications for Triggered iBeacon advertisements.
iOS只支持Triggered iBeacon广播的后台通知。
Conclusion 总结
And that’s it for this tutorial. We covered a lot of topics, including:
Device Filters:
Device Name
Minimum RSSI
Sort by RSSI
Hide Unnamed Devices
Advanced Filters (raw data/bytes, text/strings, etc.)
Only Show Configuration Matches
Filter by Type (Eddystone TLM, Eddystone UID, and iBeacon)
按类型过滤(Eddystone TLM,Eddystone UID,和iBeacon)
The differences between the iOS and Android versions of the mobile app.
In the upcoming tutorials in the series, we will cover:
How to export logging data for captured advertising sets and analyze them
App notifications for Triggered Advertising Mode advertising sets
The new NanoBeaconLib mobile app library (allows you to develop a custom IN100-interfacing mobile app in no time!)
and more!
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