内容介绍 中文摘要: 提出一种基于全息控制理论的低剖面双极化双波束扫描天线阵列。巧妙设计辐射单元,以通过控制集成在每个单元上的PIN二极管的状态实现可重构极化和辐射相位调制。将一个72通道的串并联等幅同相馈电网络与辐射阵列集成,实现阵列的低剖面特性。通过设计直流偏置威廉希尔官方网站 ,利用单片机对天线阵列数字编码,实现波束的二维动态精确偏转。加工制作了一个2单元子阵列和一个6×12阵列,并对该天线系统的数字可控辐射方向图特性进行实验验证。该天线系统可以在11 GHz实现−30°至30°的波束扫描,步进扫描角为5°。该天线系统具有体积小、成本低、易于集成、波束控制准确等特点,在雷达系统、智能天线等领域具有广阔的应用前景。
作者: 朱世超,宁远帆,褚宏波,肖培,李高升
Shichao ZHU received his BS degree in the School of Electrical andAutomation Engineering, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang, Chinain 2020. He received his MS degree in the College of Electrical andInformation Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha, China, under thesupervision of Prof. Gaosheng LI. His research interests includereconfigurable antennas, phased array, and electromagnetic metamaterialsand their antenna applications.
Gaosheng LI received his BS degree in electromagnetic field and microwave andhis MS and PhD degrees in electronic science and technology from the NationalUniversity of Defense Technology (NUDT), Changsha, China in 2002, 2004, and2013, respectively. He was with NUDT as a teaching assistant from 2004 to 2006,a lecturer from 2006 to 2011, and then as an associate professor from 2011 to2017. He joined Hunan University as a professor in 2018. From 2014 to 2016, hewas with Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) and WuxiHuace Electronic System Co., Ltd., China as a postdoctoral research fellow. From2016 to 2017, he was a visiting scholar at the University of Liverpool (UoL),United Kingdom, sponsored by China Scholarship Council (CSC). His researchinterests include antennas and propagation (AP), electromagnetic compatibility(EMC), wireless propagation, and microwave systems. Prof. LI is the author or Co-author of 8 books and 170 papers published in journals and proceedings. Heowns 3 international patents, 45 Chinese patents, and 14 software copyrights. Hewon 3 national scientific prizes in 2008, 2013, and 2015. He is now a SeniorMember of IEEE (2019), a Member of ACES (2017) and IEICE (2011), a SeniorMember of Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE, 2014), China Institute ofCommunications (CIC, 2017), and China Instrument and Control Society (CIS,2020).
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