



当谈到电动车充电时,我们很多人都想知道:插头之后会发生什么变化?答案是移动领域最热门的话题之一:无线功率传输。 无线功率传输 (WPT) 是使用感应线圈将电能从电源传输到电力负载的过程。由于其高功率、非接触式充电能力,它改变了电动车的游戏规则。 为了深入了解这项突破性技术,我们采访了 ZEV Station首席执行官/首席技术官Jesse Schneider , ZEV Station是一家致力于无线充电和氢燃料技术商业化的公司。我们讨论了他在制定电动车无线充电SAE J2954 标准方面的背景和领导力,以及 ZEV Station 如何将快速电动汽车充电与互补的高吞吐量加氢站相结合。



ZEV Station 首席执行官兼首席技术官

28 年来,Jesse Schneider 一直在美国和德国开发零排放汽车,在 BMW、Mercedes-Benz、Nikola/Iveco、Proton Motor以及多家供应商推动电动和燃料电池汽车及其相关基础设施的开发极限。 Jesse Schneider开创了与电动和燃料电池汽车相关的多项第一。在梅赛德斯,他领导了 4 代燃料电池汽车项目,并领导一个团队于 2002 年在全国范围内驾驶了第一辆燃料电池汽车。在宝马,他帮助启动了他们的燃料电池汽车项目以及世界上第一个无线电力传输项目。无线充电车 BMW e530(以 SAE J2954 为基础。) 2010 年,Jesse 成立了 SAE 无线电力传输工作组,该工作组在 10 年后制定了第一个轻型车辆标准 SAE J2954。最近,该标准已更新为重型无线电力传输至 500kW。他还主持了 SAE J2601 和 ISO 19880-1 加氢站标准。 2021 年,Schneider先生在加州棕榈泉设立了一家名为 ZEV Station 的初创公司,担任首席执行官/首席技术官,将他对零排放汽车的热情汇聚到同一个车站。ZEV Station 最近与 FedEx ISP 合作开设了第一个商业充电站和电动送货车试验,并计划于 2024 年开设一个更大的充电站和氢气充电站。

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Grayson Brulte:

Hello, I'm your host, GraysonBrulte. Welcome to another episode of SAE Tomorrow Today, a show about emergingtechnology and trends and mobility with leaders and innovators who make it allhappen. If the future mobility is important to you, join an SAE committee. Theyneed the engagement and it's a great way to get involved in Shape the Future.

大家好,我是你们的主持人,格雷森·布鲁特。欢迎收看《SAE Tomorrow Today》的另一集,这是一档有关新兴技术、趋势和移动性的节目,由领导者和创新者共同探讨,使这一切成为现实。如果未来的流动性对您很重要,请加入 SAE 委员会。他们需要参与,这是参与塑造未来的好方法。

If you're interested to see theshow notes for exclusive content on sae.org and ways to get involved, we hopeyou enjoy this episode. On today's episode, we're absolutely honored to bejoined by Jesse Schneider, Director of Logistics Innovation, ZEV Station. Onthis episode, Jesse will share insights from the SAE standards about wirelesspower transfer of electric vehicles. Jesse, welcome to podcast.

如果您有兴趣查看 sae.org 上独家内容的节目说明以及参与方式,我们希望您喜欢本集。在今天的节目中,我们非常荣幸地邀请到 ZEV Station 物流创新总监 Jesse Schneider 的加入。在本期节目中,Jesse 将分享 SAE 标准中有关电动汽车无线充电的见解。杰西,欢迎来到播客。 

Jesse Schneider:

Thank you very much very honorto be here, and I very much appreciate the invite.


Grayson Brulte:

We're excited to have you herebecause wireless charging is the future, and as you eloquently say, it's whatcomes after the plug. That's a brilliant way to look at this and wirelesschargers is expanding from passenger car to heavy duty.


I'm really curious, Jesse. Howwill heavy duty wireless charging work?


Jesse Schneider:

Just want to take a step back.The J2954 task force covers light duty and heavy duty. The standard is out andpublished for light duty, and we've just published a TIR for heavy duty, theJ2954-2, which is the first level.

只是想退一步。J2954 工作组涵盖轻型和重型。该标准已发布并针对轻型负载发布,我们刚刚发布了针对重型负载的 TIR J2954-2,这是第一级。

Wireless charging has like atransformer without an iron core. It has a primary or ground assembly, and asecondary coil or a vehicle assembly. And that is tuned with a capacitor to aspecific frequency. And as long as the coil is either the same to apology as anSAE 2954 or proven out in a performance way, it can actually transfer powerover an air gap with high efficiency.

无线充电就像一个没有铁芯的变压器。它具有初级或接地组件,以及次级线圈或车辆组件。然后用电容器将其调谐到特定频率。只要线圈与 SAE J2954 相同或经过性能验证,它实际上就可以通过气隙高效传输电力。

Grayson Brulte:

You mentioned the standard I'dsay I have a class six truck, a class eight truck, and something in between a ba box truck, for example. When you have the standard that will work across allof those. So an individual operating a industrial logistics arm doesn't have toput three different versions of wireless charging in place.

您提到了标准,我会说我有一辆六级卡车、一辆八级卡车,以及介于两者之间的 aba 箱式卡车。当您拥有适用于所有这些的标准时。因此,经营工业物流部门的个人不必安装三种不同版本的无线充电。

Jesse Schneider:

Let me say that we're planningfor application use like so for trucks. They'll have one type of coil and forbuses may have another type of coil. So for each application, we're planning tohave an interoperable coil, very much like light duty with light duty. Whetherit's a small vehicle or a sport utility vehicle, there, there's an opportunityto charge.


Grayson Brulte:

Wow. Where will a power come tocharge? Will these individuals in the industrial environment or a bus depot,will they have to put in microgrids? Will they have to get a bigger line fromthe transformer? How, where will the power come from?


Jesse Schneider:

So wireless power transfer isjust that, or wireless charging?


It's charging over an air gap.So it's the same the power source is exactly the same as dc fast charging, buta general rule for DC fast charging. As soon as you get over hundreds ofkilowatts, you're gonna start, you're gonna have to start thinking about somestorage or if you can capture as well as renewables and things like that.


Grayson Brulte:

How will it be deployed in thefield, will be built into the roads, will be built in on the depot, will bebuilt into the ground of the depot where the vehicles go. How do you see itbeing actively deployed differently?


Jesse Schneider:

The interesting thing is thatthere's a lot of demonstrations already around the world for heavy duty busesand in every instance for heavy duty, it's always either flush to the ground orslightly below the ground.


And this emerging technologydynamic. That's actually usually buried below the ground. A few, fewcentimeters.


Grayson Brulte:

Will this go in newconstruction? Will this be retrofitted, or how will it be eventually beinstalled?


Jesse Schneider:

In terms of construction,certain of vehicles, these are mainly targeted towards, new vehicles. But keepin mind that the light duty standard is very evolved. And the TIR for heavyduty, not everything is written, which means that, it's anticipated that theautomakers that are participating at the truck maker, I should say, that areparticipating, are gonna put them into their new trucks.

在建造方面,某些车辆主要针对新车。但请记住,轻型标准已经非常成熟。对于重型货物的 TIR,并不是所有内容都被写入,这意味着,预计参与卡车制造商的汽车制造商,我应该说,参与的,将把它们放入他们的新卡车中。

And this, we're making astandard on how to transfer power. So that's up to the automaker.


Grayson Brulte:

Do you eventually see perhaps adedicated lane on the highway in HOV Lane could become a charging lane if youuse, let's give you an example here, the Port of Long Beach San Pedro in LosAngeles to Fontana, which is a very known drayage route today.

您最终是否会看到,如果您使用HOV Lane高速公路上的专用车道可能会成为充电车道,让我们举个例子,洛杉矶长滩圣佩德罗港到丰塔纳,这是一条众所周知的拖运路线今天。

Perhaps there's an HOV lanethat has charging there so you can meet the California goals fordecarbonization.

也许那里有一条可充电的 HOV 车道,这样您就可以实现加州的脱碳目标。

Jesse Schneider:

That's being planned in a fewlocations for demonstration today. So State of Michigan just announced they'redoing a demonstration. There's something over in Oslo, so it's absolutelypossible to do that.


And there is discussion rightnow under an inland port in Utah to do exactly that. And it's up to, Californiacertainly there. There is a great opportunity For any sort of a repeated routefor heavy duty vehicles, as you mentioned, like a port to put in the lane.


Grayson Brulte:

Michigan, Norway and Utah havea lot of things common. One thing they have, it's snows. They get snow there.True. What impact does the snow, is it wowsers? We can't go today becausethere's snow on the ground. What's the impact?


Jesse Schneider:

There's issues with conductivecharging with icing and things like that. But one thing that's really coolabout wireless charging a wireless prairie transfer is that snow and waterdon't affect.


It's the power transfer, so youcan, it can be buried underneath foot of snow and the vehicle could pull overand it'll transfer power. So that's another opportunity for autonomous vehiclesand the like. And also human normal vehicles under all-weather to buildtransfer power.


Grayson Brulte:

How about lightning? Lightningis scary and lightning doesn't really get along with this stuff. What's theimpact?


Jesse Schneider:

We can't help you with that.Certainly lightning is but, light lightning in, in any other, you wanna makesure that you're in a safe environment.


But no, it's, these things areground, they're grounded on the ground assembly side, and vehicles are groundedas they are.


Grayson Brulte:

From a high level technicalstandpoint, how can the energy go through the water through the snow, which isbasically water? What how is that work without causing any harm to the vehicleor any harm to the passengers in that vehicle?


Jesse Schneider:

So there's been a lot of workdone on safety from our task force and how it's done is magnetic fields. Soit's the very, it's the similar, theory of inducted basically. When you taketwo calls together, whether it be in a transformer or wireless power transfer,you have two, two vehicle, two, two fields that are generating.


One of them is from the powerand the other one is from the induced power. And how it's done safely isThere's actually been a lot of work done to make sure that the magnetic fieldstays within and underneath the vehicle. So the passengers don't see it. Andthere's also measurements and requirements that are done in the standard thatmake sure that either during charging or anything else there, that it nevergoes above.


The levels of safety, which arein there and there's also something interesting as well. We have detection, wehave foreign object detection, meaning if there appears some keys on the groundor something metal, and we actually have living op detection, meaning ifthere's any, if there's any motion underneath the vehicle, that sort of thing.There's options to detect and shut things down.


Grayson Brulte:

We don't have to worry aboutour little friendly, the squirrel getting electrocuted then.


Jesse Schneider:

So certainly we're not, theobjective is there's detection, promotion. We don't have a squirrel test. But,the, I the idea is we've done that. But one thing it, there's an essaytechnical report done a few years ago that we tested with the FDA inside theirlaboratory.

所以我们当然不是,目标是发现、推广。我们没有松鼠测试。但是,我的想法是我们已经做到了。但有一件事是,几年前我们在 FDA 的实验室内测试了一份论文技术报告。

Wireless power transfer withpacemakers. Certainly not in a person, pacemakers to make sure that not onlyhealthy people or should I say, people without medical devices, but also peoplewith medical devices are safe. So what, there's a lot of work done to make surethat driving up and parking are safe even in, in the car. That there's thateverything is perfectly safe.


Grayson Brulte:

All this standard work happensin committees, individuals such as yourself you volunteer your time to cometogether to work on a standard. When you're forming the committee, the earlydays, even before you get to day one of the official meeting, what are some ofthose early conversations like? Is a colleague of yours coming with one idea?You're coming with another idea, and then the, as you as chair, you have to tryand massage it all together into a nice pizza. Is that how that process starts?


Jesse Schneider:

So sometimes it's holistic,sometimes it's much more dynamic, but, start the early days of wireless powertransfer.


There are a lot of, there was alot of competing technologies and a lot of competing ideas with betweenautomakers and the suppliers. And it's more than cat herding. It took a lot ofdebate. And not only that, we actually did testing inside of National Laboratories,Idaho National Laboratory, TDK Laboratory, to prove out that the technologywill meet the criteria and interoperable.

汽车制造商和供应商之间有很多竞争的技术和很多竞争的想法。这不仅仅是放猫。这引起了很多争论。不仅如此,我们实际上在国家实验室、爱达荷国家实验室、TDK 实验室内部进行了测试,以证明该技术符合标准并具有互操作性。

So to answer your question,it's not as easy as saying in a simple way that we just debated things. Weactually had to go out. Find designs, test them and prove to the committee thatit works.


Grayson Brulte:

Do all the members of thecommittees work on the technical aspects of it, or are there other individualsthat aren't necessarily technical but have a vision that are participating init?


Jesse Schneider:

SAE is free to all and we have,it is a technical committee, but we have folks that are involved that do str,that are involved in strategy of power trains. We also have, sometimes we have,as I mentioned, regulators that show up and wanna know what's going on.

SAE 对所有人都是免费的,我们有一个技术委员会,但我们有参与制定动力系统战略的人员。正如我提到的,有时我们也会有监管机构出现并想知道发生了什么。

But mainly it's a technicaldiscussion with the objective of, safe, fast charging over wire, wireless gap.


Grayson Brulte:

Will the SAE J2954 standardplay any role as you start to scale this technology since that standard hasbeen scaled and widely adopted across the globe?

由于 SAE J2954 标准已在全球范围内扩展并广泛采用,因此当您开始扩展该技术时,该标准会发挥任何作用吗? 

Jesse Schneider:

Glad you asked. J2954-1 or byitself is the light duty standard. And it's been reaffirmed last year. There'sa new update from 2022 and there are already commercial applications. TheHyundai has the GV 60 few years ago there was a demonstration from p w and Efive 30, and Tesla just announced actually that they're doing a wireless powertransfer vehicle as well.

很高兴你问了。J2954-1 或其本身就是轻型标准。去年这一点得到了重申。2022 年有新的更新,并且已经有商业应用。现代汽车几年前就推出了 GV 60,pw 和 E 5 30 也进行了演示,而特斯拉刚刚宣布他们也在开发无线充电车辆。

So there's a lot of buzz aroundthat light duty standard. And the heavy duty is what's being worked on rightnow. It's a guideline, and we're planning to do a testing trial with thatJ2954-2, the heavy duty.

因此,围绕轻型标准有很多讨论。繁重的任务就是现在正在做的事情。这是一个指导方针,我们计划使用重型 J2954-2 进行测试。 

Grayson Brulte:

In the coming year, if you lookat history, when Tesla first shipped the Model S it really, in my opinion,ushered in the electric vehicle's industry of where we are today.

在接下来的一年里,如果你回顾一下历史,当特斯拉首次推出 Model S 时,在我看来,它确实开创了我们今天所处的电动汽车行业。

They single handedly drove it,make consumers that this is a cool vehicle, this is really cool. I want todrive electric. And that's what Tesla did. And they're a game changer when theyintroduce wireless charging based on the SAE J2954 standard, does that changethe game? Obviously you have Hyundai with the GV 60, but does that start tousher in all the other automakers where they don't want to be viewed frommarket sector playing catch up with Tesla?

他们一手驾驶它,让消费者觉得这是一辆很酷的车,这真的很酷。我想开电动车。特斯拉就是这么做的。当他们推出基于 SAE J2954 标准的无线充电时,他们改变了游戏规则,这会改变游戏规则吗?显然,现代汽车推出了 GV 60,但这是否会导致所有其他汽车制造商不想被市场视为正在追赶特斯拉呢?

Oh, Tesla's doing this. We haveto go in and does that accelerate the adoption?


Jesse Schneider:

So certainly in standards wehave, my role with standards is to the agnostic of the automakers, butabsolutely Tesla really changed the game for the auto world. And people are incompany countries excuse me, companies are still playing catch, if you see, butI think that, we'd be excited.


So the GV 60 right now isreleased in Korea, South Korea. We understand that it's gonna be coming to thestates at some point, but yeah, absolutely. When. Tesla did a teaser at theirinvestor days about wireless charging. And certainly when that comes out, it'llbe a big motivator for us all to get into the technology.

所以现在GV 60是在韩国发售的。我们知道它会在某个时候来到美国,但是是的,绝对如此。什么时候。特斯拉在投资者日发布了有关无线充电的预告片。当然,当它问世时,它将成为我们所有人进入这项技术的巨大动力。

Grayson Brulte:

Yeah, and if, I know you can'tanswer this, but I'm gonna say it's from a marketing perspective, if and whenTesla opens their drive-in movie theater that they're advertising in the LosAngeles, oh yeah. Put wireless charging in there. That's a great marketing wayto drive the adoption of the standard.


Jesse Schneider:

Absolutely. So if you'resticking around for an hour or two, that's plenty of time to charge yourvehicle. But that's a great abs great opportunity.


Grayson Brulte:

Yeah. Out outside of Tesla froma standards perspective, will all vehicles be able to use the wireless chargingsystem if the vehicle they own or driving is in, has the technologyincorporated into it. That’s the intent?


Jesse Schneider:

Absolutely. So one thing that'scool, so conductive. A world has a number of standards. With charging. There'schato, there's Tesla, there's SAE. When we spent a long time working with otherstandards organizations from ISO, IEC, and GB to make sure that there's onestandard. So that means if you pull up to a ground assembly for light duty,ground assembly, whatever, as long as you’re SAE you'll be compatible andyou’ll transfer power.

绝对地。所以有一件事很酷,很导电。一个世界有很多标准。带充电。有chato、有特斯拉、有SAE。我们花了很长时间与 ISO、IEC 和 GB 等其他标准组织合作,以确保有一个标准。因此,这意味着,如果您拉至轻型地面组件,地面组件,无论什么,只要您是 SAE,您就可以兼容并且可以传输电力。

Grayson Brulte:

Standards, all off scalability.If you have three or four or 500 standards it's not gonna be scalable. And thenyou're gonna have a very mad consumer why won't this work? It says, I haveinductive charging. Why doesn't this work? And so hopefully that drives it toone standard. So you have the individual that's buying the vehicle, the GV 60,for example, or if the Tesla does the wireless charging, at some point they'recoming from the factory.

标准,一切都脱离了可扩展性。如果您有三个、四个或 500 个标准,那么它就无法扩展。然后你就会有一个非常疯狂的消费者,为什么这行不通呢?它说,我有感应充电。为什么这不起作用?希望这能推动它达到一个标准。因此,你有购买车辆的个人,例如 GV 60,或者如果特斯拉提供无线充电功能,那么他们会在某个时候从工厂出厂。

They're built with the wirelesscharging into 'em. How about the individual? That has an older vehicle orperhaps a model year 22, 23 says, this is really great. I bought an electricvehicle. At some point, will they be able to retrofit their vehicles and if so,will it meet the standard?

它们内置无线充电功能。个人又如何呢?那是一辆较旧的车辆,或者可能是 22、23 年的车型,这真的很棒。我买了一辆电动汽车。在某个时候,他们是否能够改装他们的车辆?如果可以,它会符合标准吗? 

Jesse Schneider:

Yeah, so you know, we don'tdesign for aftermarket, we just designed the wireless charging. But I can tellyou that there is already a company that is in fact a few examples of electricvehicles like the Machi or the Tesla that have been retrofitted. So it is ababsolutely possible. And as long as they follow the standard, everything shouldwork.


Grayson Brulte:

When the individual thatthey're on their way home from work and they're pulling into their garage, orthey're pulling into their parking spot at their residence, are they gonna haveto neatly maneuver?


Okay, we've gotta be rightthere. And then perhaps when they're in the garage they hang a tennis ball tomake sure they put some paint down to make sure they're in the right area. Oris there gonna be okay, you can just pull in your garage and away we charge.Similar to today.


Jesse Schneider:

Yeah to answer your question,certainly there's an alignment tolerance. It's much better than pure inductancebut the SAE allows for four inches each direction and gives you alsocommunications to your vehicle. On alignment direction. So you're gonna getfeedback while you're driving. And also there's at least one development whereyou can actually get automated driving integrated as well.

是的,回答你的问题,当然存在对齐公差。它比纯电感要好得多,但 SAE 允许每个方向四英寸,并且还可以让您与车辆进行通信。在对齐方向上。因此,您在驾驶时会得到反馈。而且至少有一项开发可以真正集成自动驾驶。

Grayson Brulte:

How great's that you pull intoyour garage and say, okay, car park, and then it does it for you. That seemsthat's where we're going. And if you look at on the other side of autonomy, Nowsudden, now you're scalable. You can eliminate which cruise GM has the roboticarms. You can allow autonomy to scale with wireless charging.


Do you see autonomous vehiclesbeing one of the key drivers of this technology?


Jesse Schneider:

The only way to really chargevehicles autonomously under all weather is with wireless charging. So certainlyyou can have a robotic arm, but you still have the same shortfalls ofconductive charging with regards to ice and snow, things like that.


But we think that it will help,and already is talked between automakers as well with, driverless taxis andthings like that, that you can just put a pad and a place that, that it cancharge. And come back to every night.


Grayson Brulte:

And the beauty about this is ifyou have the depot manager on the commercial side, and perhaps somebody callsand sick, you don't have to worry about plugging in it.


But on the personal vehicle ownside, oh, we're going on a road trip. Oh, I forgot to plug the car in lastnight. You don't have to, you don't have to worry about that. That becomes. Agame changer.


Jesse Schneider:

There it is. So in terms of, wethink of if you think of wireless charging as changing the game it does becauseall you have to do is look for the green light when you park.


Make sure you're, things arecharging and walk away and it's transparent. And then when you know that youcould bring that to workforce charging and other places. But yeah the idea isIt automates the process completely. All you have to do is make sure that theprocess is started.


Grayson Brulte:

Can it support two-way power?Perhaps you can run your coffee maker off it, or if you had a hurricane or youlost power, need to you need to let's just say gotta do laundry. Everybody hasto do it. Perhaps you can run your laundry machine.


Jesse Schneider:

There's V two X it, sorry, Vtwo grid V2 G is something that is in the conductive world. And we intend toadd that also to wireless charging. There's already been some demonstrationsfrom Honda on doing that. It's very possible. So that would be added to thefuture standard? Yes. I'm not, I don't think it's specifically for a appliancelike a coffee maker, but it's for the, it's actually, v to g vehicle to grid. 有V 2 X ,抱歉,V 2 网格V2 G 是导电世界中的东西。我们还打算将其添加到无线充电中。本田已经对此进行了一些演示。这是很有可能的。那么这会被添加到未来的标准中吗?是的。我不是,我不认为它专门用于像咖啡机这样的设备,但它实际上是用于 v 到 g 车辆到电网的。

Grayson Brulte:

Just trying to give practical,real world examples. You mentioned add to a Future standard is a standard, aliving, breathing document where if there's a new breakthrough of technology,the committee gets together in say add 0.2 or if you wanna use the ABC acronym,is it a little breathing document that updates it?

只是试图给出实际的、真实的例子。你提到添加到未来标准是一个标准,一个活生生的、会呼吸的文件,如果有新的技术突破,委员会会聚在一起说添加0.2,或者如果你想使用 ABC 缩写,这是一个会更新的小呼吸文件它?

Jesse Schneider:

It definitely is. So we're to Astandard level in light duty interventions and guideline for heavy duty movingto recommended practice. But, so there's new things that are coming in. One ofthem is new alignment, stand alignment methodologies, for instance and thosewill be added to the standard in the year.

绝对是。因此,我们的轻型干预措施达到了 A 标准水平,重型负荷的指导方针转向了推荐的做法。但是,新的事物正在出现。其中之一是新的对齐方式,例如展位对齐方法,这些将在今年添加到标准中。

So absolutely, as newtechnologies come in the standards adapt.


Grayson Brulte:

I play video games, so I'llhave to ask the, put it in the, in this tense. Is it backwards compatible? If Ihave a vehicle that meets, let's say standard one, and then standard two comes,am I still backwards compatible there, or do I have to upgrade?


Jesse Schneider:

The document we called itforwards compatible. But the doc, the document that we put out in as a standardfor 2054 is worldwide, meant to be compatible since there's not a productionvehicle out, since the production vehicles are coming now you can't speak aboutbackwards compatibility, but the good news for automakers, it gives thatconfidence that when you say the word standard, it can be adopted into a localcode and turned into law.

我们称其为向前兼容的文档。但是我们作为 2054 年标准发布的文档是全球范围内的,意味着要兼容,因为还没有量产车辆,因为量产车辆现在就来了,你不能谈论向后兼容性,但好的方面对于汽车制造商来说,这是一个新闻,它给人一种信心,当您说出标准这个词时,它可以被采纳为当地法规并转化为法律。

And how do you so that's, it'sreally a powerful tool. That helps start commercialization to give thatconfidence of what's coming down the pipeline.


Grayson Brulte:

Commercialization is good forthe economy. It makes the world run rounds. We're commercializing the tech. Wehave the standard that, that's looking to the future in adapting as technologychanges.


What does the maintenance looklike? How is this going to be able to be kept up in charge of, do you have tohave somebody inspected every day from a commercial aspect or in your home youlook at it? Or how, what does the maintenance look like?


Jesse Schneider:

There is no maintenance plant.It's solid state. So there's standards for that are, that have been done on thesafety side from the UL standpoint, from the SAE standpoint, to make sure thatit meets all the requirements of any sort of a appliance or device.

没有维修厂。它是固态的。因此,从 UL 和 SAE 的角度来看,已经在安全方面制定了标准,以确保它满足任何类型的器具或设备的所有要求。

But there is, there’s nomaintenance planned for it. Certainly if there's some damage to it, it needs tobe repaired maybe, but there's no. It's not a schedule.


Grayson Brulte:

Yeah. Your current business,you’re CEO and CTO of ZEV Sstation, you got a big focus on electric chargingand hydrogen fueling stations.

是的。您目前的业务,您是ZEV Sstation的首席执行官和首席技术官,您主要关注充电站和加氢站。

Way to go in the hydrogen.That's gonna play a very large role here. Do you see wireless charging as thenatural expansion of the Zev business of where you're going?

氢气的方式。这将在这里发挥非常大的作用。您是否认为无线充电是 Zev 业务的自然扩展? 

Jesse Schneider:

Sure. May I just put my otherhat on, in terms of the startup that, that I lead? So ZEV Station, a smallstartup.

当然。就我领导的初创公司而言,我可以戴上我的另一顶帽子吗?ZEV Station 是一家小型初创公司。

We have an office in PalmSprings, California, and we have also some DC charging that's going on rightnow and a fleet with FedEx the ground ISPs. And, we plan to expand to hydrogenas well. And we've made some announcements with Chart Industries. You may haveheard that the largest industrial supplier for the for equipment for naturalgas and also hydrogen.

我们在加利福尼亚州棕榈泉市设有办事处,目前正在进行一些直流充电,并拥有联邦快递地面 ISP 的车队。而且,我们还计划扩展到氢。我们已经与 Chart Industries 发布了一些公告。您可能听说过最大的天然气和氢气设备工业供应商。

So wireless charging is becauseit's not yet mainstream, but we see it as definitely for an opportunity,especially when you think about truck stops where you have not necessarily.Fast charging, but when you have trucks that are staying overnight, for instance,there's a really great opportunity or parking for dinner and that sort of thingto expand that.


Ha you can imagine truckspulling up to a to a certainly they can do fast charging in DC fast charging,but, there's a real big, gap for electrification. What happens with trucks thathave refrigerator trucks in the back that run all the time. And also whathappens with trucks that stay overnight?


Are you gonna charge go whenyou come in and then charge again when you go out? And how do you bring thosebig cords out to a parking lot with trucks? So that's the answer to that isthat's where we believe things are gonna be heading. But that's, the play afterthe next play.


Grayson Brulte:

If you look at a truck stop,think about the amount of carbon that we saved. If they have the, and wirelesscharging from idle time. These individuals that are sleeping in their truck andthey're running 'em just to stay warmer, to power their appliances, this is areally great solution.


They're not gonna lose range.They're gonna be able to do their job really well. And they're gonna cut down acar. And this seems as almost the perfect solution. You don't have the cordsrunning all around the yard.


Jesse Schneider:

Exactly. We think we see thatas being an opportunity. Another market, so to speak. Certainly there will behigh power charging and there's, there's megawatt charging, things like that'splanned. But, wireless charging is something where you can place in a specificspot. Especially where those an, there are actually laws that are anti idlingis what you mentioned.


So there're, it's a really bigopportunity to help in that market as well.


Grayson Brulte:

The one thing about trucking,there's a lot of divide, is it can be electric trucks or hydrogen trucks. Thebottom line is, in my opinion, hydrogen's gonna play alar a very large role,especially long haul over the road covenant, the expeditors going cross countryZev has a hydrogen strategy. What is your hydrogen strategy?


Jesse Schneider:

If you think about, gasolineand diesel, we see charging really being taken over from take, taking over thegasoline. And there's This Friday, this last Friday the California AirResources Board just approved the ZEV mandate for trucking, really saying theexpiration date as well.

如果你想一想汽油和柴油,我们会发现充电实际上已经从接管接管,接管了汽油。这个星期五,也就是上个星期五,加州空气资源委员会刚刚批准了 ZEV 卡车运输指令,实际上也说明了到期日期。

For heavy duty, we have lightduty that was also is also a law. But what we see right now is so light duty,medium duty going charging, and heavy duty split between the long haul and theshort haul. And the long haul we think is gonna go hydrogen because it's seventons more battery.


And it's simple math in termsof the, between the two technologies. One shift operation for heavy duty cancertainly stay charging, but there's an intersection between an electric truckand a H truck, and that is where they park at night. And so that's where I seeas the technology we're talking about today.


Wireless charging, being anassistance to both of those tech, both of those markets.


Grayson Brulte:

At the end of the day, theycompliment each other. I could see electrification working on drayage runs andlong haul over the road working in hydrogen. When we have long haul over theroad working on hydrogen, we're gonna need fueling stations.


ZEVs is working on that. Howare you planning to deploy hydrogen fueling solutions?

ZEVs 正在努力解决这个问题。您打算如何部署氢燃料解决方案?

Jesse Schneider:

Our intent is to make, socertainly have a first station for charging. We're looking to expand upon thatand our intention is to be off the highway in rural charging and capture. Carsand trucks off major interstate trucking rounds and we've pulled up next to alarge fleet owner FedEx for instance.


And we, we think that having alocation next to a fleet is, makes a lot of sense off the highway as well toget the public traffic.


Grayson Brulte:

You want that? Will you partnerwith a hydrogen provider? Will you create, were you stored or are you gonnabuild the technology or what role were you gonna play in this?


Jesse Schneider:

No. So this discussion wasabout se but certainly I'll mention that ZEV Station is planning as Imentioned, the equipment from chart industries. And we are, we already have arelationship with a large liquid hydrogen supplier. That's not yet public. But certainlythe idea is if you're gonna do a rollout of stations with a lot of hydrogen onboard really liquid hydrogen is the way to go.

不。所以这次讨论是关于se的,但我当然会提到ZEV Station正在规划,正如我提到的,来自图表行业的设备。我们已经与一家大型液氢供应商建立了合作关系。这还没有公开。但当然,如果你要推出装有大量氢气的加氢站,液态氢确实是最佳选择。

Certainly for smaller stationsinside the city, you can do gashes hydrogen, but as soon as you go withtrucking, there's no other way. Of doing things because it's a lot of, it'smany tons of hydrogen.


Grayson Brulte:

You're clearly down the road,no pun intended, you're working on the s SAE committee, on wireless charging.

显然,您正在走这条路,没有双关语的意思,您正在 SAE 委员会从事无线充电工作。

Your business is working tocommercialize wireless charging, and you have a hydrogen strategy. Tocomplimenting it. What role do you see Zev playing in this? Do you end upbecome the, no pun intended, the de facto standard in how fleets andindividuals decarbonize? Is that where you're ultimately trying to go?


Jesse Schneider:

We are a startup. We wanna bepart of the equation. And our objective is, I worked as in the automotiveindustry, over 25 years and I came to realization everyone is building a Zvehicle, but who's building the ZEV Station? And that question ringed for manyyears, and that was the purpose.

我们是一家初创公司。我们想成为这个等式的一部分。我们的目标是,我在汽车行业工作了 25 年多,我意识到每个人都在建造 Z 车,但谁在建造 ZEV 站?这个问题多年来一直萦绕在心,这就是目的。

So we are a B corporation.We're environmentally motivated. And our objective is to have zero carbonsourced fuel for all the Zs on the highway. So we would like to be part of thereason why we're meeting, gonna meet, net zero. And that's a pure play andcertainly others will be retrofitting gas stations or that sort of thing.

所以我们是一家 B 公司。我们以环保为动力。我们的目标是为高速公路上的所有 Z 提供零碳源燃料。因此,我们希望成为我们会面、即将会面、净零的原因的一部分。这是一个纯粹的游戏,当然其他人也会改造加油站或类似的事情。

And that's part of it. But theidea for us right now is to, is really to help with this new electrificationpush. I mentioned the Z mandate that's coming. We see this as. Other side ofthe equation that needs to happen. It's a bold plan.

这就是其中的一部分。但我们现在的想法是,真正帮助推动新的电气化进程。我提到了即将到来的 Z 任务。我们将此视为。等式的另一边需要发生。这是一个大胆的计划。

Grayson Brulte:

It's a bold move and you'rebacking up with a B Corp. You're a B Corp, you're putting your money where yourmouth is.


Yes, you're developing this,you're rolling up your sleeves. Wireless charging is merely just, I'm gonna usethe baseball analogy. It's merely in the first inning of where this technologyis gonna go in and get adopted in scale. In your opinion, Jesse, what is thefuture of wireless charging?


Jesse Schneider:

It's multifaceted, so it's, andthis is to keep in mind there, there's many different use cases, but I thinkthat there's an opportunity for taxis and airport taxis and things like thatto, to do wireless charging and as they're creeping to waiting for customersand things like that, there's an opportunity to charge as they come back.There's an opportunity for single shift, operations of trucks, for instance, oryou mentioned drainage or somewhere where there's a route that they constantlygo to.


And certainly this overnightcharging it, it can't be avoided. I really think that it's not addressed now,but I really think that's coming down the pipeline to real help decarbonizereally all zero emission vehicles.


Grayson Brulte:

If an individual's sitting herelistening to this podcast and says, wireless charging's, cool. I work at anauto company, I wanna roll my sleeves up, can they get involved in the SAEJ2954 committee? And if so, what do they have to do? Did they send you a note?How does it work?

如果一个人坐在这里听这个播客并说,无线充电,那就太酷了。我在一家汽车公司工作,我想撸起袖子加油干,他们可以加入SAE J2954委员会吗?如果是这样,他们必须做什么?他们给你发了一张纸条吗?它是如何工作的? 

Jesse Schneider:

So Dante Rahdar is the SAErepresentative for the committee or for the task force, I should say. Anddefinitely contact him with the email provided.


And it's free and it's open forall. And we really would encourage some, especially if you're in the automotiveindustry also in the supplier industry, in the infrastructure industry, andyou'd like to get involved in this disc in this technology. Join the team, jointhe J2954 Task Force, roll up your sleeves.


Grayson Brulte:

For the listeners we'll put alink in the show notes and if you don't remember the link, you can always go tosae.org and search it. Jesse, this has been a fascinating conversation aroundthe future of wireless charging and the role standards are playing and we can'tforget about the important role that hydrogen's gonna play in decarbonizing aswell.


And as we look to wrap up thisconversation, what would you like our listeners to take away with them today?


Jesse Schneider:

I wanna very much appreciatethe invitation. And I'd like to mention that, wireless charging is really atechnology that's coming. And, if we are to meet our objectives, to get to netzero, it's a cliche, it's not a silver bullet.


There'll be applications wherethere's gonna be conductive charging there's gonna be applications wherethere's gonna be hydrogen, but there's also a look in applications, especiallywith autonomous vehicles that wireless charging is gonna play. That's reallywhere I'd like to leave as a message.


Grayson Brulte:

As Jesse said there, and hesaid throughout this podcast, wireless charging will play a very big role inthe future. Today is tomorrow. Tomorrow is today. The future is wirelesscharging. Jesse, thank you so much for coming on SAE Tomorrow today.

正如杰西在那里所说的,以及他在整个播客中所说的,无线充电将在未来扮演非常重要的角色。今天就是明天。明天就是今天。未来是无线充电。杰西,非常感谢你今天来到SAE Tomorrow。

Jesse Schneider:

Thank you very much.




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