集成了网络通信、嵌入式系统、虚拟仪器、人工智能专家系统等前沿技术,构成基于虚 拟仪器的智能感知专家系统,由智能感知单元对运行中设备状态实时监测,经无线网络送入基于虚拟仪器的免编程专家系统,对设备实施科学的故障预报,实现预知性维修,开创从传统的预防维护上升到预知维护的先河。 关键词:虚拟仪器,智能感知,专家系统,预知维护 Based on hypothesized instrument's intelligent sensation expert system's design Tian Zhanjun1 Bi Wihong2 (1 Anshan Normal University, Liaoning Anshan 114016 2 Yan San Uniyction 123006) Abstract: Integrated frontier technologies and so on network service, embedded system, hypothesized instrument, artificial intelligence expert system, constitutes based on the hypothesized instrument's intelligent sensation expert system, by the intelligent sensation unit to the movement in the device status real-time monitor, sends in after the wireless network based on the hypothesized instrument exempts programs the expert system, to the equipment implementation science's failure prediction, realizes the forecasting service, founds rises from the traditional preventative maintenance to the foreknowledge maintenance beginning. Key word: Intellisense, hypothesized instrument , expert system, Foreknowledge maintenance