本文研究了嵌入式3D引擎的特征,并给出了一个基于构件技术的嵌入式3D引擎ElaDX的设计框架和初步实现。该3D引擎接口规范,使用方便,存储空间小,具有灵活的可裁减性和可移植性,并和微软的DirectX保持基本兼容。它针对嵌入式系统设计,并做了许多优化,能满足各种嵌入式多媒体应用的需要。 关键词:嵌入式系统;3D引擎;构件技术 Research and Design of Component-based 3D Engine for Embedded Systems CHEN Qing-yang1, MU Chun-di1, CHEN Jian-ping1, CHEN Rong2 (1. The Dept. of Automation, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, 100084 China; 2. Elastos Inc., Beijing, 100084 China) Abstract: The characteristics of embedded 3D engines are researched and a component-based 3D engine is designed and implemented for embedded systems. The 3D engine has a set of well-defined and user-friendly interfaces with high reducibility and portability. It is compatible with Microsoft DirectX 9 and optimized for embedded systems so that it can fulfill various requirements of embedded multimedia applications. Key words: Embedded System; 3D Engine; Component Technology