本文通过对USB2.0 接口技术及硬件加密技术进行研究,设计并实现了一种基于 USB2.0 接口的加密存储适配器。本文的主要工作是进行系统硬件及固件(Firmware)的设计。 硬件部分选择Cypress 公司的USB2.0 接口芯片CY7C68013 作为核心器件,以CY7C68013 为 中心设计了硬件框图,进一步对外围威廉希尔官方网站
等部分进行详细设计,完成硬件原理图的全部设计, 并介绍固件(加密软件)的设计过程。 关键词:USB,硬件加密技术,固件 Mobile Storage Device Embedded Encryption System Design Zhang Zuying (Nanjing college of chemical technology,Nanjing ,210048 ) Abstract:Through doing research on USB2.0 interface technology and hardware encryption technology, this thesis designed and realized a encryption storage adaptor based on USB2.0 interface. This thesis is for designing system hardware and firm ware. USB2.0 interface chip CY7C68013 of Cypress company is the core part of hardware. Centering on CY7C68013, this paper designed the outline of hardware, further to partly design in detail of periphery circuit, then complete the design of hardware theory outline, and briefed on the firmware design process. Key word:USB, hardware encryption technology, Firmware