本文基于Altera 公司的高性能Stratix 器件,利用SOPC Builder、DSP Builder、Matlab 和Simulink等软件设计实现了一种新型的自动语音记录系统(AVRS),实现了对多路电话的通话进行同期监控录音,可广泛应用于需要经常性语音记录的部门。 关键词:自动语音记录系统;SOPC;Nios;Stratix The SOPC Design and Realization of Auto Voice Recording System(AVRS) Li Hongqiang,Miao Changyun (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Tianjin Polytechnic University,Tianjin 300160,China) Abstract:In this paper,we design and realize a novel auto voice recording system using SOPC Builder, DSP Builder,Matlab and Simulink software.It can realize recording multi-channel voice at the same time and can be used in many departments. Key words: auto voice recording system;SOPC;Nios;Stratix