DirectX 是微软公司开发的运行于计算机平台的多媒体处理引擎,基于DirectX API 设计开发的多媒体软件运行于硬件抽象层(Hardware abstract layer,HAL)上。本文提出了一种利用DirectX API 实现采集信号波形的实时显示的软件实现方法。 关键词:DirectX 9;Direct3D;DirectInput;PCI2003;多线程 Abstract: DirectX is an engine for multimedia processing which runs on PC. Software developed based on DirectX API runs on Hardware abstract layer. Here a method, based on DirectX API, is discussed to implement the real time displaying of signal wave. Key words:DirectX 9;Direct3D;DirectInput;PCI2003;multi-thread