通过对基于视觉的自动导航车(AGV)设计方法的研究,提出了应用自动导航车 设计物资搬运系统的框架结构。系统利用无线收发模块进行主从工作站间的实时无线通讯,利用CCD 摄像头对铺设在地面的路况引导图案进行数据采集,通过单片机对采集到的信息进行图像处理与识别,最终实现了自动导航车在无人干预的情况下,以最佳路径迅速完成在各个目的地之间的搬运任务。同时主监控站将搬运的物资属性信息通过局域网送至管理信息系统中,进而为企业管控一体化的设计和信息化建设提供了参考。 关键词:视觉;自动导航车;物资搬运系统;最佳路径 Abstract: A Construction of the material transit system has been proposed through studying the design method with the visual autonomous guided vehicle(AGV).Wireless Communication Module is adopted to design the communication between the master nodes and the slave nodes. A CCD camera is used to sample image information on the ground, the pre-processing of the CCD real-time image and image recognition are implemented through adopting a single-chip microcomputer. Finally without the people's intervention, AGV rapidly completes the transit tasks at the best route between source and destination points. The master nodes send material property of transit system to MIS through LAN, To take a step, It provides a references for the design of management-control integration and the information construction of plant. Keywords: Visual; Autonomous Guided Vehicle(AGV);Material Transit System; Best Route