
motorola GSM培训资料

消耗积分:5 | 格式:rar | 大小:1024 | 2009-06-19



General information . 1
Important notice   1
Purpose  . . 1
About this manual  . . 1
Cross references   2
Text conventions   2
First aid in case of electric shock   3
Warning  . . 3
Artificial respiration  . 3
Burns treatment   . 3
Reporting safety issues   4
Introduction . . 4
Procedure  . 4
Warnings and cautions   5
Introduction . . 5
Warnings  . 5
Cautions  . . 5
General warnings  6
Introduction . . 6
Warning labels 6
Specific warnings  . . 6
High voltage . . 6
RF radiation . . 6
Laser radiation 6
Lifting equipment   7
Do not ..  7
Battery supplies   . 7
Toxic material . 7
Human exposure to radio frequency energy (PCS1900 only)   8
Introduction . . 8
Definitions  . 8
Maximum permitted exposures . . 8
Maximum permitted exposure ceilings  9
Example calculation  10
Power density measurements  10
Other equipment   10
Beryllium health and safety precautions 11
Introduction . . 11
Health issues . 11
Inhalation  . 11
Skin contact . . 12
Eye contact . . 12
Handling procedures  12
Disposal methods  . . 12
Product life cycle implications  12
General cautions  13
Introduction . . 13
Caution labels 13
Specific cautions   13
Fibre optics . . 13
Static discharge   . 13
Devices sensitive to static  . 14
Introduction . . 14
Special handling techniques  . 14
Motorola GSM manual set  15
Introduction . . 15
Generic manuals   15
Tandem OMC 15
Scaleable OMC   . 16
Related manuals   16
Service manuals   16
Category number  . . 17
Catalogue number  . 17
Ordering manuals  . . 17
Chapter 1
Introduction to GSM Interfaces   . i
Introduction to GSM Interfaces   . 1–1
Objectives  1–1
GSM System Entities   . 1–2
GSM Architecture  1–4
Signalling Links  . . 1–6
Exercise  . . 1–6
Terrestrial Interfaces 1–8
Introduction . . 1–8
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) . . 1–10
Introduction . . 1–10
The Layer Concept  . 1–10
Protocols . . 1–12
Signalling Model  . 1–14
GSM Specifications . 1–16
Chapter 2
GSM Air Interface Review  i
GSM Air Interface Review  2–1
Objectives  2–1
GSM Air Interface . . 2–2
Bursts   . 2–2
Timing Advance and Power Control  2–4
Mapping Logical Channels onto the TDMA Frame Structure   2–6
Bursts   . 2–6
Multiframes and Timing   2–8
The 26-frame Traffic Channel Multiframe . 2–8
The 51-frame Control Channel Multiframe – BCCH/CCCH . . 2–10
GSM Control Channels   2–12
BCCH Group . 2–12
CCCH Group . 2–12
DCCH Group . 2–12
Multiframes and Timing   2–14
The 51-frame Control Channel Multiframe – BCCH/CCCH . . 2–14
The 51-frame Dedicated Control Channel Multiframe – SDCCH and SACCH . . 2–16
The 51-frame Control Channel Multiframe – Combined Structure  . 2–18
Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (SMSCB)   . 2–20
SMS Cell Broadcast . 2–22
Multiple Background Messages . 2–22
Chapter 3
GSM Air Interface Protocol . . i
GSM Air-interface Protocol  3–1
Objectives  3–1
MS – BTS Interface (Um or Air-interface)   3–2
Air-interface – Layer 1   . 3–4
Air-interface – Layer 1 (SACCH)   3–10
Air-interface – Layer 2   . 3–12
Modes of Operation . 3–14
Unacknowledged Operation  . 3–14
Acknowledged Operation   . 3–14
Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI) . 3–16
1. Service Access Point Identifier   . 3–16
2. Type of Control Channel  . . 3–18
Air-interface – Layer 2   . 3–20
Frame Format Peer-to-Peer Communication   3–20
Frame Delimitation . . 3–24
Address Field   3–24
SAPI – Service Access Point Identifier  3–26
LPD – Link Protocol Discriminator   . 3–26
Control Field Frame Formats . 3–28
P/F – Poll/Final bit  . . 3–28
S – Supervisory Function Bit(s) . 3–30
U – Unnumbered Function Bit  3–32
Length Indicator   . 3–36
List of System Parameters (LAPDm) . . 3–38
Air-interface – Layer 3   . 3–40
Introduction . . 3–40
Radio Resource Management Sub-layer   . 3–42
Mobility Management Sub-layer   3–44
Connection Management Sub-layer  3–46
Layer 3 – Frame Structure  3–48
Protocol Discriminator/Skip Indicator . . 3–50
Skip Indicator   3–50
Transaction Identifier 3–52
Message Type  . . 3–54
Message Sequence Scenarios   . 3–56
Mobile Originating Call Establishment  . 3–58
Mobile Terminating Call Establishment  3–60
Location Updating  . . 3–62
Call Clearing . 3–64
Message Flow Scenarios  . 3–66
Exercise  3–68
Chapter 4
Common Bearer [2 Mbit/s Links]  . . i
Common Bearer  . 4–1
Objectives  4–1
Introduction 4–2
Signalling Links – Common Channel Signalling . 4–4
Transmission Code . 4–6
High Density Bipolar 3 (HDB3) . . 4–6
Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) 4–8
Rx Buffer/Slip Loss  . 4–10
Slip Loss Counters  . 4–10
Frame Alignment Procedures . 4–12
N Bit 4–12
Synchronization  . 4–14
Sync Loss Counters  4–14
Sync Timers . . 4–14
GCLK Synchronization   4–16
Remote Alarm 4–22
Remote Loss Alarms . . 4–22
Bit Error Rate (BER)  4–24
BER Timers . . 4–24
BER Counters 4–24
Cyclic Redundancy Checking (CRC)  . . 4–26
Cyclic Redundancy Check   4–26
Database Command  4–26
High Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL)  4–28
Chapter 5
BTS – BSC Interface (A-bis) . . i
BTS – BSC Interface 5–1
Objectives  5–1
BSC – BTS Interface (A-bis) . 5–2
Introduction . . 5–2
GSM Specifications . 5–4
Signalling Model  . 5–6
A-bis Limitations  . 5–8
Introduction . . 5–8
Link Capacity . 5–8
Processors  5–8
Redundancy . . 5–8
Summary  . 5–8
Motorola Defined A-bis Interface (Mobis)   . 5–10
Introduction . . 5–10
Motorola A-bis 5–10
Functional Division between BSC and BTS   . 5–12
MTP L3/SCCP Preselector  . . 5–12
Connectionless Manager   . 5–12
SCCP State Machine (SSM)  . 5–12
Switch Manager   . 5–12
Cell Resource Manager 5–12
Radio Resource State Machine (RRSM) . . 5–12
Radio Channel Interface   . 5–14
Motorola/GSM A-bis Comparison 5–16
GSM A-bis  5–16
Motorola A-bis 5–16
Interface Structure . . 5–18
MSI Defaults . 5–20
Signalling Links Logical Channels  . . 5–22
Radio Signalling Link (RSL)  . . 5–22
Transparent Messages . 5–22
Layer 2 Management Link (L2ML)   . 5–22
Layer 2 – Link Access Procedure LAPD   . 5–24
Introduction . . 5–24
Frame Structure   5–26
Definition of Fields  . 5–26
Address Field . 5–28
Service Access Point Identifier (SAPI)  5–28
Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) 5–28
TEI Allocation 5–30
Control Field   . 5–32
Unnumbered Frames 5–34
Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended (SABME) Command  5–34
Disconnect (DISC) Command  5–34
Unnumbered Information (UI) Command . 5–34
Unnumbered Acknowledgment (UA) Response  . 5–34
Alignment Procedures   . 5–36
Layer 2 timers 5–36
Timer T203  5–36
Supervisory Control . 5–38
Layer 2 – Link Access Procedure LAPD   . 5–40
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) Field  . . 5–40
Layer 3 Model   5–42
Complete Layer 2/Layer 3 Message Example (A-bis Defined)  . . 5–44
Encryption Command . . 5–44
Message Discriminator . 5–46
Message Type  . . 5–48
Message Sequence Scenarios   . 5–50
Global Reset . 5–52
Mobile Originated Connection Establishment  5–54
Message Sequence Scenarios   . 5–56
Traffic Assignment Procedures . . 5–56
Traffic Assignment Procedures   . 5–58
Request Queued – T11 Expiry . . 5–58
Message Sequence Scenarios   . 5–60
Successful Intra-BTS Handover . 5–60
Successful Inter-BSC Handover   5–62
Appendix A . 5–i
BSC to BTS Interface Message Types . 5–ii
Part A – Message Types as Defined and Implemented by Motorola 5–ii
BSC to BTS Messages 5–ii
BTS to BSC Messages as Defined and Implemented by Motorola  5–iv
Part B  . . 5–vii
Message Elements . 5–vii
1) Message Elements defined by GSM 08.08  . . 5–vii
2) Message Elements defined by GSM 08.58  . . 5–ix
3) Message Elements defined by GSM 04.08  . . 5–x
4) Message Elements defined by GSM 04.08  . . 5–xi
5) Message Elements defined by Motorola 5–xii
Appendix B . 5–i
BSC to BTS Interface (A-bis) . 5–ii
Exercise  . . 5–ii
Chapter 6
BSC–MSC Interface (A-interface)  . . i
BSC–MSC Interface 6–1
Objectives  6–1
Introduction 6–2
A-interface Capabilities 6–2
A-interface specification objectives   6–2
A-interface Characteristics  . . 6–2
GSM Specification . . 6–4
08.0x 6–4
A-Interface Functions   . 6–6
Signalling System No7 (C7) . . 6–8
Introduction . . 6–8
Messages Transfer Part (MTP) . 6–10
Level 2 Header Part  6–14
LSSU Status Field Format   6–16
Alignment Procedure . . 6–18
Alignment Status Indications  . 6–18
Message Signal Unit (MSU)  . 6–22
Service Information Octet (SIO) . 6–24
Signalling Information Field (SIF) 6–26
Routing Label . 6–26
Signalling Connection Control Part (SCCP)  . . 6–28
Introduction . . 6–28
Protocol Classes   6–28
SCCP Message Format 6–30
Establishment Procedure   . 6–32
SCCP Message Parameters  . 6–34
SCCP Message Example   6–36
Called/Calling Party Address Parameter . . 6–38
Radio Subsystem Application Part (BSSAP)  . 6–40
BSSAP Message Structure . . 6–42
BSSAP Message Header  . 6–44
DTAP Header Structure 6–44
BSSMAP Header Structure  . . 6–46
BSSAP Message Structure . . 6–48
Complete Message Format  . . 6–48
BSS Management Application Part (BSSMAP) . . 6–50
Procedures  6–50
Normal Mobile Station (MS) to PSTN Call Set . . 6–52
A-Interface Messages   . 6–54
Normal PSTN to MS Call  . 6–56
A-Interface Messages   . 6–58
Call from PSTN to MS . 6–58
Procedures – Global 6–60
Blocking  . . 6–60
Group Circuit Procedures   6–62
Unblocking  6–64
Resource Indication  6–66
Resource Indication Procedure . . 6–66
Global Reset Procedure 6–68
Reset at the MSC  . . 6–68
Reset at the BSS  6–70
Procedures – Global 6–72
Reset Circuit at the MSC   . 6–72
Reset Circuit at the BSS   . 6–72
Paging   . 6–74
Handover Candidate Enquiry  6–76
Flow Control . . 6–76
Procedures – Dedicated  . . 6–78
Assignment . . 6–78
External Handover  . 6–80
Handover Required Indication  6–80
Handover Resource Allocation . . 6–80
Handover Execution  6–82
Release   6–84
Classmark Update  . 6–86
Cipher Mode Control . . 6–88
Initial MS Message  . 6–90
Queueing Indication  6–92
Timers  . 6–94
MTP Level 2 Timers  6–94
MTP Level 3 Timers  6–94
BSSMAP Timers   6–95
Appendix A . 6–i
Appendix A – MSC to BSC Interface (A-interface)   . 6–ii
Exercise  . . 6–ii
Appendix B . 6–i
Appendix B – MSC–BSS Message Types   6–ii
DTAP Messages   6–ii
BSSMAP  . 6–iii
MSC–BSS Message Types . . 6–iv
BSSMAP  . 6–iv
BSSMAP Messages  6–iv
BSSMAP Messages  6–v
Chapter 7
BSS–OMCR Interface (OML) . i
BSS–OMCR Interface   . 7–1
Objectives  7–1
BSS–OMCR Interface (OML) . 7–2
Introduction . . 7–2
Motorola Application Layer  7–4
File Transfer . . 7–4
Event/Alarm Reporting . 7–4
Remote Login 7–4
OMC–BSS Interconnection . . 7–6
OML   7–8
X.25 Layers 7–10
Introduction . . 7–10
Physical Link Layer 1 . . 7–12
Data Link Layer 2  7–14
Overview  . 7–14
Address Field . 7–16
Frame Types – Control field encoding  . 7–18
X.25 Packet Level Protocol (PLP)  . . 7–20
Packet Header  . . 7–22
Logical Channel Numbers (LCN)   7–24
Packet Type Identifier (PTI) . . 7–26
Control Packet Types   . 7–28
Additional Fields  . 7–30
OMC to BSS Communication DTE Addresses . . 7–32
Virtual Call Setup Procedure . 7–34
Chapter 8
SMS Cell Broadcast Link  . i
SMS Cell Broadcast Link  . 8–1
Objectives  8–1
Short Message Service Cell Broadcast 8–2
Cell Broadcast Link (CBL)  . 8–4
CBC, Cell Broadcast Responsibilities . . 8–6
BSS, Cell Broadcast Responsibilities . . 8–8
Mobiles Cell Broadcast Responsibilities 8–10
SMS CB Database Commands   . 8–12
Command Line   . 8–12
Functional Description . 8–12
CBL Message Flow Scenarios 8–14
CBL Protocol   . 8–16
Multiple SVC Connections   8–16
Cell Broadcast Messages from BSC to BTS  . 8–18
SMS CB Message Structure (Air-Interface)  . . 8–20
DRX Scheduling Message Coding   . 8–22
New SMS CB Message Bitmap . 8–24
New SMS CB Message Description  . . 8–24
Other Message Descriptions  . 8–24
Message Description Encoding . 8–26
First Transmission of an SMS CB within the Schedule Period   . 8–26
Retransmission Indication   8–26
Free Message Slot, Optional Reading  . 8–28
Free Message Slot, Reading Advised (not yet implemented by Motorola)  . . 8–28
Reserved Codepoints . . 8–28
Appendix A
The 24-Channel System  . . 8–i
The 24-Channel (T1) System . 8–ii
24-Channel (T1) System  . . 8–iv
Channel - associated signalling . 8–iv
Common - channel signalling  8–iv
Comparison of T1 and E1 Systems   8–iv
Glossary of Terms . . Glos–1
Numbers . . Glos–3
A . Glos–4
B . Glos–7
C . Glos–10
D . Glos–14
E . Glos–17
F . Glos–19
G . Glos–21
H . Glos–23
I . . Glos–24
K . Glos–26
L . Glos–27
M . Glos–29
N . Glos–33
O . Glos–35
P . Glos–37
Q . Glos–40
R . Glos–41
S . Glos–44
T . Glos–48
U . Glos–51
V . Glos–52
W Glos–53
X . Glos–54
Z . Glos–55
Answers  i
2.6 Multiuser Detection 47
References 48

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