本文介绍了一种基于操作系统μC/OS-II 和ARM7 内核芯片LPC2292 的CAN 通信控制 节点系统设计,系统主要由CAN 总线通信、显示控制部分和操作系统三个部分组成。分析了本系统的功能特点,并对系统各部分的设置和使用进行了较为详细的说明。 关键词:μC/OS-II、LPC2292、CAN、嵌入式系统 Abstract: Can-Bus communications and control system based on μC/OS-II and chip LPC2292 with ARM7 kernel is studied in the paper. The system is specified in CAN-bus, display control part and embedded operation system. The characteristics of each part of the system and the application method are described in detail. KeyWord: μC/OS-II、LPC2292、CAN、Embedded system