为解决目前发酵生产中菌体质量浓度等关键参数无法在线测量,从而给发酵生产的精确控制带来的巨大困难,从超声波的原理和发酵生产的实际要求出发,设计和制作了基于超声波传感器的测量系统,并将其应用于实际生产,取得了很好的效果。 关键词: 超声波传感器; 菌体质量浓度; 在线测量; 函数关系 Abstract : To resolve the difficulties of on2line measurement of concentration of cell meeting the demand of accurate control ,according to the acoustic theory and fermentation production demand ,the measurement system based on ultrasonic sensor is designed. The application using ultrasonic instrument to on2line measure of cell concentration in fermentation is also introduced. Key words : ultrasonic sensor ; mass concentration of cell ; on2line measurement ; function relationship