研究了分层软件体系结构的优点,根据分层软件体系结构的特征,并结合国防经济 信息管理工作的实际,设计了完整的国防经济信息管理体系结构模型,给出了基于模型的系统设计,采用.NET技术实现了系统的开发,并通过实例给出实现细节。 关键词:国防经济软件体系结构 Abstract:The merit of the delamination software architecture is researched in this paper, according the characteristic of the delamination software architecture and the practice of the economy information manage work ,the integrity of the national defense economy information management system architecture model is designed.The application of the design system is based on model ,the .NET technique is adopted in the realization of the system. The approach of the realizing is given with an example in detail. Key words:National Defense Economy , Architecture