在分布式,开放的,动态的网络环境下,网络集成防御系统的自身的安全 性和系统自学习协作能力是网络集成防御系统研究和应用面临的新的问题。本文 为此,提出了一种基于信用MAS 系统的安全防御体系解决方案。在该方案框架上 上,可以很容易的有效的提升防御系统的安全和很好的把MAS 的复杂问题求解和 机器学习的相关模型融入系统。实现防御系统的自组织、自学习能力。 关键字:MAS 信用;信用agent;系统安全协作 Abstract: It is one of important things that how to maintain the security of the Defense Integrative System and how to develop its ability of study of itself in distributed , opening and dynamic circumstance. In this paper, it is provided that a solution of A Security Defense System Solution based Trust Mechanism of MAS. It is flexible to improve the security of the Security Defense System, to contain strategies of complex problem solving based MAS and to implement varies machine learning arithmetic. Keyword:Trust of MAS; Trust agent; Cooperation in security system