随着因特网的发展,数字水印技术被广泛的应用于数字图像,音频,视频等多媒体产 品的版权保护。该文提出了一种有效的数字水印算法。首先利用混沌映射将水印进行预处理,保证水印的安全性,然后,原始图像按水印的比特位分成若干个大小相等的子块,利用奇异值分解来分解每个子块,将水印比特嵌入到子块的最大奇异值处,最后,利用反变换得到嵌入水印的图像。实验表明,本方法保证了水印信息的安全性,有较好的不可见性和鲁棒性。 关键词:数字水印;混沌映射;奇异值分解; Abstract: With the development of the Internet, Watermarking technology has been widely used in digital image, video, audio, and other multimedia fields. In this paper, a new method of effective digital image watermark is put forward. First of all, chaos mapping technology is used to treat the watermark to protect the security of the watermark, then, the original image is divided by bytes of the watermark with the help of the SVD, and embed the watermark byte to the largest singular value. Last, the image embedded watermark is finished by the anti-transform of SVD. The results of the experiment indicate that the method can assure the security of the watermark, and the destination image has good invisibility and robustness. Key words: watermarking; chaos mapping; SVD;