就镍薄膜热电阻研制过程中的选材、工艺、稳定性等问题进行了探讨, 实验结果表明: 可以选用国产0 号镍, 采用S2枪磁控溅射技术制备镍薄膜热电阻; 合适的热处理工艺是保证电阻温度系数A值及其一致性的关键; 运用保护膜技术可以提高镍薄膜热电阻温度传感器的长期稳定性L 关键词: 镍薄膜; 热电阻; 温度传感器 Abstract: D iscu ssed som e key aspect s such as m aterial select ion, p reparat ion m ethod, and stab ility imp rovem en t in develop ing N ick le2f ilm therm al resistance. The resu lt s show that 0# N ick le can be u sed as candidate m aterial fo r develop ing N ick le2f ilm therm al resistance and S2gun m agnet ron spu t tering the app rop riate p reparat ion m ethod. App lying heat t reatm en t and addit ional u lt rath in o rgano silicon f ilm s depo sit ion can keep temperatu re coeff icien t Aat certain h igh value and un ifo rm , thu s further imp rove long2 term stab ility. Key words: n ick le2f ilm; therm al resistance; temperatu re t ran sm it ter