在弱物体近似下, 运用傅立叶光学, 从成像系统角度对自聚焦共焦传感技术进行了理论研究。着重分析了该技术测量样品纵深结构时图像的成像机理。由于光纤具有本征场的模式, 对光的振幅和相位的响应是相干的, 从而可用相干传递函数(CTF) 描述系统性能。结果表明, 系统相当于一复振幅线平移不变系统, 具有低通特性和层析特性。 关键词: 共焦显微成像; 相干传递函数(CTF) ; 光纤传感器; 自聚焦透镜; 光学检测 Abstract: By Fourier op t ics method, fiber2op t ic confocal senso r using a gradient2index (GR IN ) lens has been analyzed theo ret ically as an imaging system upon the w eak object app roximat ion. The imaging mechanism to measurement dep th st ructure is analysed,w h ich can be described p recisely by a coherence t ransfer funct ion (CTF) , because fiber2op t ic have eigen mode and coherent to the response of op t ical am2 p litude and phase. It has been p roved that the fiber2op t ic confocal senso r system behave as a linear sh ift invariance system, perfo rm s like a lowpass filter and has h igh axial reso lut ion. Key words: Confocalm icro scopy; Coherent t ransfer funct ion (CTF) ; F iber2op t ic senso r; Gradient index (GR IN ) lens; Op t ical detect ion