混合动力电动汽车(Hybrid Electric V eh icle,HEV ) 以其高效率和低排放倍受世界各国重视, 而混合动力电动系统最适合也最有潜力应用于客车, 尤其是城市客车。混合动力电动客车(HybridElectric Bus,HEB) 具有诸多极其优良的性能, 其产业化已经成了HEB 发展的必然趋势。 关键词: 混合动力电动客车 环保 产业化 Abstract: Environment and energy are the most important challenges for automobile industry. Hybrid Electric V eh icle is remarkably consp icuous for its h igh efficiency and low em ission, and Hybrid Electric System is p rop itious to buses, especially to city buses. Hybrid Electric Bus (HEB) has much dom inant performance. Its industrialization has got the inexorable trend. Key words: HEB, Environment p rotection, Industrialization