本文分析嵌入式设备的特点,并在此基础上提出充分利用嵌入式设备提供的接口资源, 实现故障检测和诊断的方法,将设备故障定位到威廉希尔官方网站
的故障检测和诊断奠定基础。此种方法在复杂工程环境下,无需拆卸嵌入式设备即可判断整机性能,达到故障检测和诊断的基本要求。在这一方法基础上,本文以某车载GPS 导航系统为被测对象,详细介绍了故障检测和诊断系统设计。 关键词:串行通讯;嵌入式设备;故障检测与诊断 Abstract: According to the characteristics of the embedded equipment, a fault detection and diagnostic technique based on serial communication is put forward in the paper. This method achieves the board-level fault detection, provides foundation for the component-level fault detection and diagnosis, and meets the basic needs of fault detection and diagnosis without disassemble the equipment under complex environments. Based on this method, the paper introduces a fault detection and diagnosis system designed for the GPS navigation system. Keyword: serial communication; embedded equipment; fault detection and diagnosis.