VNC 以其真正的瘦客户技术和平台独立性,在网络计算领域得到了广泛的应用,但它 在网络安全性方面存在缺陷 ,使其难以应用于企业应用服务系统中。在分析VNC 安全机制的基础上,提出了解决方案,并利用Openssl 中提供的密码算法库,实现其安全解决方案。 关键字:VNC;OpenSSL;随机挑战响应;安全通道 Abstract : Because of its truly thin-client technology and independence of platform,VNC has been widely used in network computing,But the original VNC has weakness, Because of which it cannot be used for application server.This paper introduces analyses the security issues of network security mechanism ,gives a solution and Implement the solution by using cipher function provided by OpenSSL. Key Words:VNC;OpenSSL; Random Challenge-Response;Secure Tunnel