The AD6640 is a high speed, high performance, low power, monolithic 12-bit analog-to-digital converter. All necessary functions, including track-and-hold (T/H) and reference, are included on-chip to provide a complete conversion solution. The AD6640 runs on a single 5 V supply and provides CMOS compatible digital outputs at 65 MSPS. Specifically designed to address the needs of multichannel, multimode receivers, the AD6640 maintains 80 dB spuriousfree dynamic range (SFDR) over a bandwidth of 25 MHz. Noise performance is also exceptional: typical signal-to-noise ratio is 68 dB. The AD6640 is built on Analog Devices’ high speed complementary bipolar process (XFCB) and uses an innovative multipass architecture. Units are packaged in a 44-lead plastic quad flatpack (LQFP) specified from –40°C to +85°C.
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