Altium designer DRC规则英文对照
DRC 规则英文对照Ⅰ:Error Reporting错误报告
A:Violations Associated with Buses有关总线电气错误的各类型(共12项)
◆bus indices out of range 总线分支索引超出范围
◆Bus range syntax errors 总线范围的语法错误
◆Illegal bus range values 非法的总线范围值
◆Illegal bus definitions 定义的总线非法
◆Mismatched bus label ordering 总线分支网络标号错误排序
◆Mismatched bus/wire object on wire/bus 总线/导线错误的连接导线/总线
◆Mismatched bus widths 总线宽度错误
◆Mismatched bus section index ordering 总线范围值表达错误
◆Mismatched electrical types on bus 总线上错误的电气类型
◆Mismatched generics on bus (first index) 总线范围值的首位错误
◆Mismatched generics on bus (second index) 总线范围值末位错误
◆Mixed generics and numeric bus labeling 总线命名规则错误