TI公司的TIDA-00640是太阳能模块电平检测和通信子系统方案参考设计,包括了电压,电流和温度测量以及无线通信.电压测量误差<2% ,电流测量误差小于2%,采用CC2538 M3 SoC用作ZigBee通信,基于PCB的天线可简化滤波威廉希尔官方网站
This verified reference design provides an overview onhow to implement a solar module level monitoring andcommunication subsystem. This TI Design addressesthe key need of a highly cost-optimized monitoring andcommunication subsystem for solar module levelpower electronics (MLPE). This design showcases ahighly integrated solution for accurate voltage, current,and temperature monitoring along with ZigBee®communication using the CC2538 to enable solarmodule level monitoring.
Module level power electronics (MLPEs) provide a very granular method of optimizing a solar system.Moving the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) or other power management services to the modulereduces the cost overhead on a system and enables a higher total system power output. However, itremoves some of the capability of monitoring string degradation because every module appears toperform optimally to an outside observer. The addition of integrated power measurement at each MLPEenables several additional features:
• Array performance metrics to evaluate instillation return on investment
• Mesh based power point tracking more efficient power conversion
• Module degradation information due to aging or soiling
• Module mismatch and instillation issue analysis
The TIDA-00640 integrates the voltage, current, and temperature measurement into a single system thatis able to be powered by the module itself and wireless communicate the data back to a central pointthrough a number of wireless standards. This TI Design enables quick integration of the measurement andwireless technology with MPLEs to make a full distributed power conversion system.
• <2% Error Voltage Measurement
• <2% Error Current Measurement
• CC2538 M3 SoC for ZigBee Communication
• PCB Based Antenna With Simplified FilteringCircuitry
• Solar Energy Monitoring and Communications
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