ST公司的L9960是用于汽车电子节流控制激励器(ETC)或废气再循环控制阀((EGR)的电阻或电感负载的集成H桥,包括飞轮二极管。在飞轮状态条件,只有并行二极管的低边才开关,从而降低功耗,其集成的串行外设接口(SPI)可调整器件参数,从而控制所有工作模式和读出诊断信息。满足汽车AEC-Q100规范,电池工作电压4.5 V到28 V,VDD5工作电压4.5 V到5.5 V,输入开关频率高达20kHz.本文介绍了L9960主要特性,框图和应用框图,以及评估板EVAL-L9960/L9960T主要特性,威廉希尔官方网站 图和PCB设计图。
The device is an integrated H-Bridge for resistiveand inductive loads for automotive applications,such as throttle control actuators or exhaust gasrecirculation control valves.The driving strategy is enhanced by configurablePWM / DIR pins and IN1/IN2.
The H-Bridge contains integrated free-wheeldiodes. In case of freewheeling condition, thelow-side only is switched on in parallel of its diodeto reduce power dissipation.
The integrated Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)makes it possible to adjust device parameters, tocontrol all operating modes and read outdiagnostic information.
AEC-Q100 qualified
Flexible driving strategy via configurable pinsPWM/DIR (IN1/IN2)
RDSon《 400 mΩ (full path at Tj =150℃ )
Operating battery supply voltage from 4.5 V upto 28 V
Operating VDD5 supply voltage from 4.5 V to5.5 V
Input switching frequency up to 20 kHz
Built in charge pump supporting 100% dutycycle
Logic levels compatible to 3.3 V and 5 V
Monitoring of VDD5 supply voltage withbidirectional switch-off pin
Current limitation SPI-adjustable in four steps.
Output stage current limitation withdependence on temperature
2 Programmable voltage and current slew ratecontrol
Short circuit and programmable thermalwarning and shutdown thresholds
Open Load diagnosis in ON condition
All I/O pins can withstand up to 19 V
SPI interface for configuration and diagnosis
Two independent enable/disable pins NDISand DIS and SOPC (Switch-off Path Check)available
Spread Spectrum function for EMI reduction
Available in single (L9960) and Twin (L9960T)option, both in PSSO36 package
图1. L9960框图
图2. L9960详细框图
图3. L9960应用框图
图4. L9960应用威廉希尔官方网站 (案例)
图5. L9960菊花链应用案例
The EVAL-L9960 and EVAL-L9960T are evaluation boards designed to provide the user a platform for the L9960 and L9960T, that are integrated H-Bridge (Twin for L9960T) for resistive and inductive loads for automotive applications, such as throttle control actuators or exhaust gas recirculation control valves.
The board offers all the main input/output capabilities needed to drive a DC motor properly and to provide diagnostic functionalities.Full diagnostic is available through SPI. By using SPI communication, it is possible to program L9960 and L9960T while the application is running (e.i. set the current limitation).A dedicated pin array allows connecting easily a SPC5 discovery+ board and the EVAL-L9960/L9960T. In association with the discovery board SPC560P-DISP a dedicated SW allows controlling a motor control application by using a PC via a USB port.
The device is an integrated H-Bridge for resistive and inductive loads for automotive applications, such as throttle control actuators or exhaust gas recirculation control valves.
The driving strategy is enhanced by configurable PWM / DIR pins as IN1/IN2.The H-Bridge contains integrated free-wheel diodes. In case of freewheeling conditions, the low side or the high side transistor is switched on in parallel of its diode to reduce power dissipation.
The integrated Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) allows device parameters adjustment and to control all operating modes and read out diagnostic information.Detailed failure diagnostics on each channel is provided via SPI: short circuit to battery, short circuit to ground, short circuit overload, over temperature. Open-load can be detected in ON condition, for the widest application ranges.
The EVAL-L9960 and EVAL-L9960T boards are suitable for both beginners and expert users working in standalone mode connected with any control system or combined with all SPC5 Discovery+ boards through a computer graphic interface or though embedded application examples.
The board is compatible with both 5V and 3.3V control systems
The EVAL-L9960/L9960T is an evaluation board designed to allow the whole hardware configuration flexibility, giving the user total access to all pins of the L9960/L9960T.
Total accessibility to all devices pins
Full HW compatibility with the SPC56 discovery boards through the standard SPC56 Discovery+ connector, 0.1” - 4x36 pin.
Possibility to connect generic microcontroller boards(a) by using a customised adapter
图9.EVAL-L9960T和EVAL-L9960威廉希尔官方网站 图
图10.SPC56 Discovery+连接器威廉希尔官方网站 图
图13. L9960T SPI配置图
图14.EVAL-L9960T和EVAL-L9960 PCB布局图(顶层)
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