对用于变速恒频鼠笼异步风力发电机系统的并联变流器(补偿器)的容量优化问题进行了研究。基于风力机特性和发电机空载特性,求得发电机运行的转速范围以及各转速下的最大负载,计算各转速下空载和最大负载时维持额定电压所需要的无功功率,之后通过对建压电容值的适当选取,确定补偿器的最小容量。 Abstract: The optimization of the capacity of the parallel converter used in a variable-speed constant-frequency cage induction wind power generator system is investigated. By utilizing the characteristics of the wind turbine and the generator, the speed range of the generator and its maximum loads at different speeds are determined, and then the reactive power to maintain the rated voltage with no-load and maximum load at different speeds is calculated. Thus the minimum capacity of the converter can be found by adequately choosing the capacitance value of the voltage build-up capacitor. 关键词﹕鼠笼异步风力发电机,变速恒频,变流器,容量优化 Keywords: cage induction wind power generator, variable-speed constant-frequency, converter, capacity optimization