尽管目前万兆网卡需求还是小众需求,还是限于专有的行业前期8K UHD极清应用。随着2D转3D的光场相机采用复眼多角度传感器,8K UHD分辨率, 数据量大呈井喷状态,因此选择优质的传输方式尤其重要.
目前业界普遍采用有线铜缆或多模光缆(相对单模更经济些)方式传输4K UHD,HDMI2.0格式
昨天我在AI音视频群里有分享了一些HDMI2.0 4K IP的传输交叉开关的解决方案
Semtech公司BlueRiver NT强大的Cross MATRIX Swithing over IP解决方案
采用了通用Xilinx FPGA的HDMI2.0(之后升级到HDMI2.1 8K UHD) IP解决方案成本是高了不少,因此需要对接口协议固化后进行ASIC的市场量化.
8K UHD IP以及万兆以太网Matrix交叉及几无延时的传输解决方案为8K光场摄像机铺建了高速公路,从而得以起量远航.
A true game changing technology for AV signal distribution, the BlueRiver NT chipset is the world’s first and only chipset to enable the extension, switching and compositing of real-time, uncompressed Ultra-HD signals with zero-frame latency over off-the-shelf IP switches. Replacing custom AV matrix switches with standard IP switches cuts the cost and size of such equipment by 60% while eliminating the associated R&D cost, reducing time-to-market and lowering inventory risk. Using a high-bandwidth, synchronous, packet-based architecture for pixel transmission, the BlueRiver NT chipset is capable of: extending uncompressed Ultra-HD (4K) video, audio, GbE and other control signals over fiber or 100m Cat-x cabling; switching these signals through standard IP switches; and compositing multiple videos onto one or more displays. This FPGA-based chipset can easily be integrated into OEM designs for AV/KVM extension, switching, multi-view and video-wall applications. Ready-to-manufacture reference designs based on the chipset are available for qualified customers.
Extend and switch AV signals over off-the-shelf IP switches
Composite multiple videos onto one or more displays
Reduce cost & size of equipment by up to 60%
4Kx2K, 1080p HDMI/DVI with HDCP & 3D support
Pixel-for-pixel, uncompressed transmission
Built-in Gigabit Ethernet switch
HDMI audio embedding & extraction support
RS-232, IR & USB 2.0 support
Extend up to 30 kmii on fiber or up to 100m on Cat-x
Requires 3rd party USB 2.0 chipset |
Distance varies based on type of module & fiber used. 1 km requires OM4 multimode fiber |
Requires 3rd party 10GBase-T chipset |
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