引用: uuwjjfsf 发表于 2018-6-21 14:33
你好, 谢谢你的回复。
问下怎么修改Q? 我查看了http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=eFDqCirAcCkf5tJ8ILeezW0wbrt0H80Nd5u7S4L7LfmnQVLiLgltqegJ5osx-Sf9t76ebE5YGznJpptFnA8aCxdTbaZQV8fuNZo-0SdpjnW 还是没找到怎么修改啊。
# Encoder Control
FrameWidth = 176 # Frame width should be multiple of 16
FrameHeight = 144 # Frame height should be multiple of 16
QualityFactor = 20 # Quality Setting to be used.
# Ranges between 2 and 97.
# 2 => Lowest Quality. 97 => Best Quality.
CaptureWidth = 176 # Image width to compute image pitch.
# If Capture Width is > Image Width then
# use the former for image pitch.
generateHeader = 0 # Set 1 => Generate Header Only
debugTraceLevel = 0 # Specifies the debug trace level
lastNFramesToLog = 0 # Specifies the number of past frames
# to log debug trace. If debugTraceLevel is
# greater than 0, lastNFramesToLog must range
# between 0 and 10.
tilerEnable = 1 # 1 => Luma in TILER8, 0=> Luma in Raw.
chromaTilerMode = 0 # Valid only if tilerEnable = 1
# 1 => Chroma in TILER8, 0 => Chroma in
引用: uuwjjfsf 发表于 2018-6-21 14:33
你好, 谢谢你的回复。
问下怎么修改Q? 我查看了http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=eFDqCirAcCkf5tJ8ILeezW0wbrt0H80Nd5u7S4L7LfmnQVLiLgltqegJ5osx-Sf9t76ebE5YGznJpptFnA8aCxdTbaZQV8fuNZo-0SdpjnW 还是没找到怎么修改啊。
# Encoder Control
FrameWidth = 176 # Frame width should be multiple of 16
FrameHeight = 144 # Frame height should be multiple of 16
QualityFactor = 20 # Quality Setting to be used.
# Ranges between 2 and 97.
# 2 => Lowest Quality. 97 => Best Quality.
CaptureWidth = 176 # Image width to compute image pitch.
# If Capture Width is > Image Width then
# use the former for image pitch.
generateHeader = 0 # Set 1 => Generate Header Only
debugTraceLevel = 0 # Specifies the debug trace level
lastNFramesToLog = 0 # Specifies the number of past frames
# to log debug trace. If debugTraceLevel is
# greater than 0, lastNFramesToLog must range
# between 0 and 10.
tilerEnable = 1 # 1 => Luma in TILER8, 0=> Luma in Raw.
chromaTilerMode = 0 # Valid only if tilerEnable = 1
# 1 => Chroma in TILER8, 0 => Chroma in