本帖最后由 一只耳朵怪 于 2018-6-25 10:23 编辑
Each INTm input has a corresponding output that indicates if a low-to-high transi
tion occurred on the input while the pending flag for that input had not yet been cleared.These outputs may be used by the interrupt controller to
create an exception back to the CPU to notify the user of the missed interrupt. See the device-specific data manual to verify the device supports this feature.
上面一段话是来自CPU and Instruction Set.pdf,丢失一个中断会产生一个异常,是产生什么异常,是四类异常中的哪一类(EXCEP_exception,NMI_exception,soft_exception,internal_exception)?如果用软件编程可以产生这类异常吗,如使用汇编?
If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn。 谨慎,谢谢!