ADC error bit. This bit is written to at the same time as the RDY bit. The ERR bit is set to indicate that the result written to the ADC data register is clamped to all 0s or all 1s. Error sources include overrange or underrange or the absence of a reference voltage. The bit is cleared by a write operation to start a conversion.
引用: wenminglang 发表于 2019-3-4 17:45
"这个状态寄存器的error bit不会影响ADC的工作状态,您可以不判断这个error bit",我可以这么理解吗:
出现"ERR"后,我可以不用清除这个位,ADC会照常采样, 如果第二次采结果是正常的,这个位会自动清除。即使我工作在“连续采样”模式(连续采样前不必写寄存器启动转换)。