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我很高兴MPLAB XV3.40现在有了一个复制项目的方法。在先前版本中缺少这一点是一个非常重要的缺点。不幸的是,它看起来很挑剔。我有一个基于V2.00的和声项目叫做BLIKTEST2。它闪烁着一个LED。我想尝试复制项目,并添加附加的协调功能,包括Web服务器。所以我把它复制到一个名为WebTest的新项目中。然后我遇到了一个问题,破坏了这个新的项目目录(尝试启动MHC而不将WebTest设置为主项目,并且挂起IDE),所以我删除了WebTest并尝试重新启动。现在,MPLAX无法创建一个名为WebTest2的复制BLink Test2。我得到一个错误对话框,上面写着:“无法移动项目,原因:空”,我试过多次,我删除了WebTest并尝试了更多。没有乐趣。它确实成功地创建了WebTest固件WebTestDirectory,其中包含Bug、Debug、DIST和NBPoT。在这个层次结构中总共创建了20个文件和20个文件夹,但是似乎没有复制任何源文件。我突然想到,也许BlinkTest2的第一个副本以某种方式损坏了BlinkTest2,从而阻止IDE再次复制它。然而,我无法验证这一点,因为自从上次提交到我的版本控制系统以来,我就已经做了其他MHC的变化。



    I am glad MPLAB X v3.40 now has a way to copy a project. The lack of this in prior versions was a pretty significant shortcoming. Unfortunately it seems finicky.

I had a HARMony v2.00b-based project called BlinkTest2. It blinks a LED. I wanted to try copying the project and adding additional Harmony features, including web server. So I copied it to a new project called WebTest. Then I ran into a problem that corrupted this new project directory (tried to launch MHC without setting WebTest as main project and it hanged the IDE), so I deleted WebTest and attempted to start over. Now, MPLAB X fails to make a copy BlinkTest2 called WebTest. I get an error dialog that reads: "Cannot move project, reason: null" I've tried multiple times, I've erased WebTest and tried some more. No joy.

It does succeed to create WebTestfirmwareWebTest directory containing build, debug, dist, and nbproject. A total of 20 files and 20 folders are created inside this hierarchy, though no source files seem to get copied.

It occurred to me that perhaps the first copy of BlinkTest2 somehow corrupted BlinkTest2 in a way that prevents the IDE from copying it again. However I cannot verify this because I have made other MHC changes in it since the last commit to my version control system.
   Attached Image(s)



2019-7-3 08:58:17
我找出了发生的一部分。首先,复制一个项目不复制它的源代码文件。相反,它用新名称创建一个新项目,并链接到原始项目的源文件。这不是我希望通过复制项目实现的。在MPLLABXIDE中需要“复制项目”特性的原因是,您放弃的项目名称最终被写入项目。如果希望复制一个项目以将其用作另一个项目的起点,则必须遍历所有MPLAB IDE和NetBeans项目文件,并编辑项目名称和许多其他内容。不好的。在旧版的前NetBeansMPLABIDE中,您可以简单地复制包含项目及其所有源文件的目录,并重命名目录和项目文件。其他一切都由自己负责。我希望“复制项目”的功能能让我们更接近于复制项目及其内容的那种轻松。



    I figured out part of what happened.
First of all, copying a project does not copy its source code files. Instead, it creates a new project with the new name and links to the source files of the original project.
This is not what I hoped to achieve by copying a project.
The reason a "copy project" feature is needed in MPLAB X IDE is because the project name you give ends up written into many files of the project. If you want to duplicate a project to use it as a starting point for another project, you have to go through all of the MPLAB IDE and NetBeans project files and edit the project name and numerous other things. Not good. In old pre-NetBeans MPLAB IDEs, you could simply copy the directory containing your project and all its source files and rename the directory and the project file. Everything else took care of itself. I was hoping the "copy project" feature would get us closer to that type of ease in copying projects and all their contents.


2019-7-3 09:04:14



    I have found that copy project only works correctly, if you are copying the Main project.


2019-7-3 09:14:49



Not sure what the trouble is. I would use the rename feature, i.e., right click on the project and choose Rename. Make sure you check "Also Rename Project Folder". You can also use the Package feature to zip up only the necessary source code files and project files.


2019-7-3 09:33:30
换句话说,您建议复制项目目录(从MPLAB X的外部),然后使用MPLAB X IDE重命名副本。包装的特点听起来也很有前途。我将尝试这两种方法,然后发布我发现的内容。或许“复制项目”对话框应该说明一些源代码文件实际上没有复制的内容。



    In other words, you suggest to copy a project directory (from outside of MPLAB X), and then use MPLAB X IDE to rename the copy. The Package feature sounds promising too. I'll try both of those and post about what I find.
Perhaps the Copy Project dialog should say something to the effect that source code files aren't actually copied.

