当FX3处于U2状态时,WaitForXfer函数不能正常工作。我使用的是EZ-USB FX3 SDK VSON 1.3。目标板是CyPress FX3 DVK设备板Rev 3。FX3的固件是“CyfxBulkPMANIN OUT”的DMAIL示例。主机应用程序是“BulkRoop.exe”。主机OS是Windows Ser7专业64位(日文)与Service PACK 1。1。使用“USB控制中心”对FX3进行编程。2。运行BulkLoop.EXE。选择设备,输出EP和EP。检查“停止错误”。按下“开始”按钮。它在几秒钟内停止,因为传输失败。但是,如果在FX3固件中禁用U1/U2状态,它可以正常工作。(使用CyU3pUsBLPMDeable函数)但我不想使U1/U2状态禁用。所以,我使用了一个威廉希尔官方网站
WaitForXfer function doesn't work properly, when the FX3 is in U2 state.
I'm using EZ-USB FX3 SDK verson 1.3.
The target board is Cypress FX3 DVK Device board Rev.3.
FX3's firmware is "cyfxbulklpmaninout" in dma_examples.
The host application program is "bulkloop.exe".
The host OS is Windows7 Professional 64bit (Japanese) with Service Pack 1.
1. Program the FX3 using "USB Control Center".
2. Run bulkloop.exe.
Select device, OUT EP and IN EP.
Check "Stop on Error".
Push "Start" button.
It stops within a few seconds, because a transfer failed.
However, it works properly if U1/U2 state is disabled in FX3 firmware.
(using CyU3PU***LPMDisable function.)
But I don't want to make U1/U2 state disabled.
So, I used an In-Circuit debugger(JTAG-ICE) for FX3 firmware and
VisualStudio for BulkLoop application program.
Then, I think that WaitForXfer accessing doesn't work properly
when the FX3 is in U2 state.
Do you know the solution for this problem?
Is there a bug in BeginDataXfer or WaitForXfer?
Can the host application program know which status the FX3 is in?
If so, which API?
Or, the USB device driver is responsible for this problem?
Help me, please.
当FX3处于U2状态时,WaitForXfer函数不能正常工作。我使用的是EZ-USB FX3 SDK VSON 1.3。目标板是CyPress FX3 DVK设备板Rev 3。FX3的固件是“CyfxBulkPMANIN OUT”的DMAIL示例。主机应用程序是“BulkRoop.exe”。主机OS是Windows Ser7专业64位(日文)与Service PACK 1。1。使用“USB控制中心”对FX3进行编程。2。运行BulkLoop.EXE。选择设备,输出EP和EP。检查“停止错误”。按下“开始”按钮。它在几秒钟内停止,因为传输失败。但是,如果在FX3固件中禁用U1/U2状态,它可以正常工作。(使用CyU3pUsBLPMDeable函数)但我不想使U1/U2状态禁用。所以,我使用了一个威廉希尔官方网站
WaitForXfer function doesn't work properly, when the FX3 is in U2 state.
I'm using EZ-USB FX3 SDK verson 1.3.
The target board is Cypress FX3 DVK Device board Rev.3.
FX3's firmware is "cyfxbulklpmaninout" in dma_examples.
The host application program is "bulkloop.exe".
The host OS is Windows7 Professional 64bit (Japanese) with Service Pack 1.
1. Program the FX3 using "USB Control Center".
2. Run bulkloop.exe.
Select device, OUT EP and IN EP.
Check "Stop on Error".
Push "Start" button.
It stops within a few seconds, because a transfer failed.
However, it works properly if U1/U2 state is disabled in FX3 firmware.
(using CyU3PU***LPMDisable function.)
But I don't want to make U1/U2 state disabled.
So, I used an In-Circuit debugger(JTAG-ICE) for FX3 firmware and
VisualStudio for BulkLoop application program.
Then, I think that WaitForXfer accessing doesn't work properly
when the FX3 is in U2 state.
Do you know the solution for this problem?
Is there a bug in BeginDataXfer or WaitForXfer?
Can the host application program know which status the FX3 is in?
If so, which API?
Or, the USB device driver is responsible for this problem?
Help me, please.