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,我们需要从N9030A获取频谱分析(单个)跟踪数据,并将CW或DSSS载波周围的杂散与预先计算的掩码(Python / numpy)进行比较。
使用Save => Data(Export)=> Save As ..按钮,我们可以获得所需的所有数据,但是我不能在生活中找到如何使用SCPI做同样的事情。
在N9030A的用户和编程参考手册中,它说:* Notes * .. *没有SCPI命令直接控制该键控制的数据类型。
* *数据类型包含在MMEM:STORe命令中。*当我尝试使用DATA类型进行存储时,我得到:在[20]中:pxa.write(“:MMEM:STOR:DATA'mydata.csv'”)
在[21]中:pxa.ask(“:SYST:ERR?”)Out [21]:' - 113,“Undefined header; MMEM:STOR:DATA”'任何人都可以解释如何获取跟踪数据,最好是
Hello forum,
We need to take the Spectrum Analysis (single) trace data from an N9030A and compare the spurious around a CW- or DSSS carrier with a pre-calculated mask (Python/numpy). With the Save => Data (Export) => Save As.. buttons, we get all the data we need, however I can't for the life of me find how to do the same using SCPI.
In the Users's and Programming Reference manual of the N9030A it says:
*No SCPI command directly controls the Data Type that this key controls. The*
*Data Type is included in the MMEM:STORe commands.*
When I try to use DATA type for storage I get:
In [20]: pxa.write(":MMEM:STOR:DATA 'mydata.csv' ")
In [21]: pxa.ask(":SYST:ERR?")
Out[21]: '-113,"Undefined header;MMEM:STOR:DATA"'
Can anyone please explain how I can get trace data, preferably in ascii format using remote programming anyway?
Thank you.
Edited by:
twe@s***v.com on Aug 13, 2012 2:50 AM
Added instrument type to subject line