新买的芯片,没有下载过程序,我用STVP下载程序的时候,总是提示Error : Cannot communicate with the device !Check the SWIM cable connection and check all the needed pin connections on the SWIM connector. If the application code uses Swim Disable and Reset pin as Output or has disabled SWIM Clock Divider: Try Now to SWITCH OFF and ON the application Power Supply while NRST Reset pin is forced low. Error : < PROGRAM MEMORY reading failed. 我的configuration配置的没错,ST-LINK---SWIM---STM8S001J3. 我想问一下,选项字节option byte还需要另外的配置吗,而且第一项ROP已经设置为---Read out protection Off. 板子供电没问题,引脚连接也没问题。 谢谢大家帮忙指点。 |