使用的IDF为4.4.3,芯片为esp32s3F4R2.在进行https-ota时,进行到esp_https_ota_begin()出现了wifi:m f null的log然后HTTPS OTA Begin失败了!打印出来的DRAM内存为15512,psram为2077745,基本没怎么用到。是由于内存太少导致的吗?应该如何解决呢?以下为日志消息。
Code: Select all
I (127960) aliyun-task: [2022-12-13 14:59:47.725] OTA target firmware version: 1.0.1, size: 1347216 Bytes URL:https://iotx-ota.oss-cn-shanghai ... 20i1C1kr6AS1jEqQ%3D
I (127990) aliyun-task: [2022-12-13 14:59:47.754] starting download thread in 2 seconds ......
I (130000) aliyun-task: [2022-12-13 14:59:49.760] uxHighWaterMark:5768
I (130000) aliyun-task: [2022-12-13 14:59:49.762] free headsize:2092987 //esp_get_free_heap_size()
I (130000) aliyun-task: SPIRAM size:2077475 //heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM)
I (130010) aliyun-task: intRAM size:15512 //heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL)
W (130220) wifi:m f null
W (130280) wifi:m f null
W (135640) esp-tls: Failed to open new connection in specified timeout
E (135640) TRANSPORT_BASE: Failed to open a new connection
E (135650) HTTP_CLIENT: Connection failed, sock < 0
E (135650) esp_https_ota: Failed to open HTTP connection: ESP_ERR_HTTP_CONNECT
E (135660) esp_https_ota: Failed to establish HTTP connection
[1670914795.426][LK-0309] pub: /ota/device/progress/a1RlyRUfXpl/BRS0006
E (135670) aliyun-task: [2022-12-13 14:59:55.432] ESP HTTPS OTA Begin failed
I (135680) aliyun-task: [2022-12-13 14:59:55.437] download thread exit