要将ESP8266传输的数据显示在Raspberry Pi Zero的LED矩阵上,您需要编写Python代码,以接收从ESP8266发送的数据并将其转换为控制LED矩阵的指令。
1.在Raspberry Pi Zero上安装Python库,以便您可以使用串口接收从ESP8266发送的数据。您可以使用PySerial库进行此操作。
2.在ESP8266上编写代码,以将传感器数据发送到Raspberry Pi Zero的串口。以下是一个简单的示例代码:
// Replace with the MAC address of your Raspberry Pi Zero
uint8_t destAddress[] = {0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF};
// Define the structure for the message to be sent
struct Message {
float temperature;
void setup() {
// Initialize ESP-NOW
if (esp_now_init() != 0) {
Serial.println("Error initializing ESP-NOW");
// Register the recipient of the message
esp_now_peer_info_t peerInfo;
memcpy(peerInfo.peer_addr, destAddress, 6);
peerInfo.channel = 0;
peerInfo.encrypt = false;
if (esp_now_add_peer(&peerInfo) != 0) {
Serial.println("Error adding ESP-NOW peer");
void loop() {
// Read the temperature
float temperature = readTemperature();
// Create a message with the temperature
Message message;
message.temperature = temperature;
// Send the message to the Raspberry Pi Zero
esp_now_send(destAddress, (uint8_t *)&message, sizeof(Message));
3.使用PySerial库在Raspberry Pi Zero上打开串口并接收ESP8266发送的消息。以下是一个简单的示例代码:
import serial
import struct
# Open the serial port
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600)
while True:
# Read a message from the ESP8266
message = ser.read(8)
# Unpack the message into a float
temperature = struct.unpack('f', message)[0]
# TODO: Convert the temperature to LED matrix control commands
要将ESP8266传输的数据显示在Raspberry Pi Zero的LED矩阵上,您需要编写Python代码,以接收从ESP8266发送的数据并将其转换为控制LED矩阵的指令。
1.在Raspberry Pi Zero上安装Python库,以便您可以使用串口接收从ESP8266发送的数据。您可以使用PySerial库进行此操作。
2.在ESP8266上编写代码,以将传感器数据发送到Raspberry Pi Zero的串口。以下是一个简单的示例代码:
// Replace with the MAC address of your Raspberry Pi Zero
uint8_t destAddress[] = {0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF};
// Define the structure for the message to be sent
struct Message {
float temperature;
void setup() {
// Initialize ESP-NOW
if (esp_now_init() != 0) {
Serial.println("Error initializing ESP-NOW");
// Register the recipient of the message
esp_now_peer_info_t peerInfo;
memcpy(peerInfo.peer_addr, destAddress, 6);
peerInfo.channel = 0;
peerInfo.encrypt = false;
if (esp_now_add_peer(&peerInfo) != 0) {
Serial.println("Error adding ESP-NOW peer");
void loop() {
// Read the temperature
float temperature = readTemperature();
// Create a message with the temperature
Message message;
message.temperature = temperature;
// Send the message to the Raspberry Pi Zero
esp_now_send(destAddress, (uint8_t *)&message, sizeof(Message));
3.使用PySerial库在Raspberry Pi Zero上打开串口并接收ESP8266发送的消息。以下是一个简单的示例代码:
import serial
import struct
# Open the serial port
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600)
while True:
# Read a message from the ESP8266
message = ser.read(8)
# Unpack the message into a float
temperature = struct.unpack('f', message)[0]
# TODO: Convert the temperature to LED matrix control commands