本帖最后由 eehome 于 2013-1-5 09:53 编辑
鑫锐芯片解密公司长期独家专业提供NS系列PLD(GAL)芯片解密服务,作为ic解密行业货真价实的领军企业, 鑫锐
C8051F369 Features:
·16/32-bit 96 MHz ARM9E based MCU
– ARM966E-S RISC core: Harvard architecture, 5-stage pipeline,
tightly-Coupled Memories
– STR91xFA implementation of core adds high-speed burst Flash memory interface,instruction prefetch queue, branch cache
– Binary compatible with ARM7 code
·Dual burst Flash memories, 32-bits wide
– STR91xFA implementation of core adds high-speed burst Flash memory interface,instruction prefetch queue, branch cache
– Up to 96 MIPS directly from Flash memory
– Single-cycle DSP instructions supported
– Binary compatible with ARM7 code