There are a few dufferent ways to do this with this pic. It is unfortuante that it does not have input capture mode capability on the PWM modules, that feature makesa good hardware solution.
You can use a timer (timer2) set for a periodic interrupt (the period will define your resolution of determining the unknown frequency) and then either poll the input signal for start/stop (detect the rising or falling edges) or use an external interrupt input (IOC maybe or use the comparator module to generate an interupt). In the ISR for the timer keep a running count of "ticks" - +1 each interrupt- and use this to get period of rising edge to rising edge. If you use an interrupt to detect the "edges" then just subtract "current ticks" from "last ticks" to get period in the ISR. If you poll the input then do the subtract after detecting the input edge in the poll function/routine.
There are a few dufferent ways to do this with this pic. It is unfortuante that it does not have input capture mode capability on the PWM modules, that feature makesa good hardware solution.
You can use a timer (timer2) set for a periodic interrupt (the period will define your resolution of determining the unknown frequency) and then either poll the input signal for start/stop (detect the rising or falling edges) or use an external interrupt input (IOC maybe or use the comparator module to generate an interupt). In the ISR for the timer keep a running count of "ticks" - +1 each interrupt- and use this to get period of rising edge to rising edge. If you use an interrupt to detect the "edges" then just subtract "current ticks" from "last ticks" to get period in the ISR. If you poll the input then do the subtract after detecting the input edge in the poll function/routine.