嗨 - 原因主要是历史性的。
43.5 GHz以上需要特殊出口许可证。
44 GHz模型旨在覆盖某些卫星和微波回程频段,而50 GHz模型则支持其他频段(请参阅美国频率分配表:http://www.ntia.doc.gov/files/ntia/publications
该法规于2011年更新,在大多数情况下,现在可以在没有特殊出口许可证的情况下出口高达70 GHz的信号分析仪。
问候 -
Hi -
The reasons are largely historical. Until fairly recently, there were governmental export regulations in place that limited the maximum allowable frequency range of signal analyzers that could be freely exported to certain countries. Above 43.5 GHz a special export license was required. The 44 GHz model is designed to cover certain satellite and microwave backhaul bands, while the 50 GHz model supports additional frequency bands (see the US frequency allocation table at: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/files/ntia/publications/2003-allochrt.pdf ). The regulations were updated in 2011, and in most cases, signal analyzers up to 70 GHz can now be exported without special export licenses.
Regards -
嗨 - 原因主要是历史性的。
43.5 GHz以上需要特殊出口许可证。
44 GHz模型旨在覆盖某些卫星和微波回程频段,而50 GHz模型则支持其他频段(请参阅美国频率分配表:http://www.ntia.doc.gov/files/ntia/publications
该法规于2011年更新,在大多数情况下,现在可以在没有特殊出口许可证的情况下出口高达70 GHz的信号分析仪。
问候 -
Hi -
The reasons are largely historical. Until fairly recently, there were governmental export regulations in place that limited the maximum allowable frequency range of signal analyzers that could be freely exported to certain countries. Above 43.5 GHz a special export license was required. The 44 GHz model is designed to cover certain satellite and microwave backhaul bands, while the 50 GHz model supports additional frequency bands (see the US frequency allocation table at: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/files/ntia/publications/2003-allochrt.pdf ). The regulations were updated in 2011, and in most cases, signal analyzers up to 70 GHz can now be exported without special export licenses.
Regards -