PIN to PIN Altera-CPLD:
AG576 CPLDsis the low cost CPLDs. This instant-on, non-volatile CPLD family targets general-purpose and low-density logic. The logic density is 576 Logic Elements with LQFP-100 and 144 package.
Low-Cost and low-power CPLD
Instant-on, non-volatile standard compatible architecture.
Up to 4 global clock lines in the global clock network that drive throughout the entire device.
Provides programmable fast propagation delay and clock-to-output times.
Provides PLL per device, clock multiplication, and phase shifting.
UFM supports non-volatile storage up to 256 Kbits.
Supports 3.3-V, 2.5-V, 1.8-V, and 1.5-V logic level
Programmable slew rate, drive strength, bus-hold, programmable pull-up resistors, open-drain output, Schmitt triggers and programmable input delay.
Built-in Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) boundary-scan test (BST) circuitry complaint with IEEE Std. 1149.1-1990
ISP circuitry compliant with IEEE Std. 1532
3.3-V, 2.5-V, 1.8-V, 1.5-V LVCMOS and LVTTL standards
Emulated LVDS output (LVDS_E_3R)
Emulated RSDS output (RSDS_E_3R)
AGM(遨格芯)2012年起步于仅是 FPGA IP 软核和软件授权公司, 2014年转入芯片业务,CPLD芯片已经成熟,并且开始在行业有了一些应用,看到智能手机风口的AGM也不失时机出了一款用于智能手机和loT的FPGA芯片,并且通过了三星严格的供应商测试认证,成为三星Galaxy手机里除Lattice之外的唯一备选FPGA器件,实现了国内FPGA公司出口零的突破,具有特殊的战略意义。
AGM在软件和威廉希尔官方网站 上拥有自主知识产权,在产品方面目前走的是兼容主流大厂并软硬件生态不变的路线,在芯片内部接口兼容主流厂商器件,PCB板级可以直接替换并用AGM编译软件导入烧写,AGM目前供货器件可以直接替换:
CPLD系列,针对Altera MAX II系列,包括EPM240T100,EPM570T144,EPM570T100。