本应用笔记介绍了一套基于MAX6960显示驱动器和MAXQ2000微控制器(MAXQ20内核)的股价显示系统,并提供了构建该系统的所有必备信息。其中包括威廉希尔官方网站 原理图、Windows软件和微控制器固件。借助于免费MAX-IDE (1.0版,发布日期:2004年11月18日)开发环境,采用汇编语言编写了专为MAXQ2000量身定做的示例固件。
MAX6960是一款图形LED、点阵显示驱动器,能够驱动8x8 LED点阵。本应用笔记利用20片MAX6960来驱动20片8x8 LED点阵单元,并显示Maxim股票价格。可以轻松修改Windows软件和微控制器固件,以显示您的公司股票价格和股票代号。
应用威廉希尔官方网站 包括5块级联MAX6960EVKIT和一块MAXQ2000-KIT。图1给出了该方案的系统硬件框图。
图1. 股价显示系统硬件框图
MAX6960评估板包含四片MAX6960、四个8x8 LED点阵单元以及所有需要的无源元件,PCB布局经过验证。MAX6960评估板威廉希尔官方网站 原理图如图2所示。MAXQ2000没有安装在MAX6960评估板上;需要将MAXQ2000评估板的/CS、SCLK、DIN、DOUT、/RESET和GND与第一块MAX6960评估板连接。其它四块MAX6960评估板与第一块MAX6960评估板级联。另外,第一块MAX6960评估板的+5V焊盘必须连接能够供出5A电流的+5V电源。表1给出了使用5块级联MAX6960评估板时需要的跳线设置。
图2. MAX6960评估板原理图(共6页-第1页)
表1. 级联5块MAX6960评估威廉希尔官方网站 板
MAX6960 EV kit #1 | MAX6960 EV kit #2 | MAX6960 EV kit #3 | MAX6960 EV kit #4 | MAX6960 EV kit #5 |
JU1:(2-3) | JU1:(2-3) | JU1:(2-3) | JU1:(2-3) | JU1:(2-3) |
JU2:(2-3) | JU2:(2-3) | JU2:(2-3) | JU2:(2-3) | JU2:(2-3) |
JU3:(1-2) | JU3:(2-3) | JU3:(2-3) | JU3:(2-3) | JU3:(2-3) |
JU4:(2-3) | JU4:(2-3) | JU4:(2-3) | JU4:(2-3) | JU4:(2-3) |
JU5:(2-3) | JU5:(2-3) | JU5:(2-3) | JU5:(2-3) | JU5:(2-3) |
JU6:(1 only) | JU6:(1 only) | JU6:(1 only) | JU6:(1 only) | JU6:(1-2) |
JU7:(2-3) | JU7:(2-3) | JU7:(2-3) | JU7:(2-3) | JU7:(2-3) |
JU8:(2-3) | JU8:(2-3) | JU8:(2-3) | JU8:(2-3) | JU8:(2-3) |
JU9:(1-2) | JU9:(2-3) | JU9:(2-3) | JU9:(2-3) | JU9:(2-3) |
JU10:(2-3) | JU10:(2-3) | JU10:(2-3) | JU10:(2-3) | JU10:(2-3) |
JU11:(2-3) | JU11:(2-3) | JU11:(2-3) | JU11:(2-3) | JU11:(2-3) |
JU12:(OPEN) | JU12:(SHORT) | JU12:(SHORT) | JU12:(SHORT) | JU12:(SHORT) |
JU13:(1-2) | JU13:(2-3) | JU13:(2-3) | JU13:(2-3) | JU13:(2-3) |
JU14:(1 only) | JU14:(1-2) | JU14:(1-2) | JU14:(1-2) | JU14:(1-2) |
JU15:(1-2) | JU15:(1 only) | JU15:(1 only) | JU15:(1 only) | JU15:(1 only) |
JU16:(1-2) | JU16:(1-2) | JU16:(1-2) | JU16:(1-2) | JU16:(1-2) |
JU17:(1 only) | JU17:(1-2) | JU17:(1-2) | JU17:(1-2) | JU17:(1-2) |
表2. 上电后初始化所有MAX6960的SPI/GPIO操作
Step | Operation | Register Address | Description |
1 | GPIO: active-low RESET | N/A | active-low RESET was held low for 2.5ms after power-up to properly apply power to all five MAX6960 devices while power is stable. active-low RESET was then driven high for 100ms. |
2 | SPI:16-bit address mode write | Panel Configuration Register (0x0D) |
Sets: iColor to bicolor, 1-bit per pixeli Take all MAX6960 devices out of shutdown |
3 | SPI:16-bit address mode write | Global Driver Devices Register (0x0E) |
Sets: iNumber of devices to 20. |
4 | SPI: 16-bit address mode write | Global Driver Rows Register (0x0F) |
Sets: iNumber of rows to 2. |
5 | Delay | N/A | Adds a required 450ms delay after steps 1 through 4 above. All the MAX6960 devices require this time to properly configure themselves. |
6 | RS-232 serial COM port | N/A | Waits for stock quote bytes to be sent from the Windows program to the MAXQ2000 through the RS-232 serial COM port. |
MAX6960初始化完成后,固件将等待图3所示的Windows程序,以从Yahoo网站获取Maxim的股票价格,这是使用适于Borland C++ Builder的/n Software™ IP* Works!™ Internet开发组件实现的。可以从/n Software网站下载免费试用软件以及一些演示程序。需要始终和Internet连接,Windows程序才能正常运行。如果您是通过代理服务器访问Internet,您需要提供代理服务器的名称和代理端口号。程序运行后,Windows程序每10秒钟通过RS-232串行端口向MAXQ2000评估板自动发送MXIM (或您监视的其它公司))的最新股票价格。如果不需要代理服务器信息来建立Internet连接,用户不需要点击Windows程序的任何按钮。
X = Byte1 (Factory use only)
X = Byte2 (Factory use only)
X = Byte3 (Factory use only)
U = Byte4 (Stock Quote: Up, Down, or No Change Indicator)
5 = Byte5 (Hundreds Digit: 1xx.xx)
6 = Byte6 (Tens Digit: x1x.xx)
7 = Byte7 (Ones Digit: xx1.xx)
8 = Byte8 (Tenths Digit: xxx.1x)
9 = Byte9 (Hundredths Digit: xxx.x1)
X = Byte10 (Factory use only)
图3. Windows程序通过Internet获取MXIM的股票价格
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